확장 칼만 필터(EKF)를 이용한 궤적 추정 알고리즘을 구현, 로켓이 비행하는 동안 얻은 IMU, GPS, 기압 센서 데이터를 종합하여 처리하고 비행 궤적을 계산하는 하나로 전자팀 산하 프로젝트입니다.
This project processes and visualizes IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit), GPS, and pressure sensor data from a flight trajectory, implementing various trajectory estimation methods including Extended Kalman Filter (EKF).
graph TD
subgraph Main Flow
A[main.py] --> |Initializes| B[data.data_format]
B --> C[Set Initial Conditions]
C --> D[Extended Kalman Filter]
D --> E[Plot Multiple Trajectories]
subgraph Data Processing Layer
B --> F[data.py]
F --> G[Process Sensor Data]
F --> H[Identify Flight States]
F --> I[Extended Kalman Filter]
subgraph Trajectory Package
J[trajectories/__init__.py] --> K[IMUTrajectory]
J --> L[GPSTrajectory]
J --> M[SIMPLETrajectory]
subgraph IMU Processing
K --> N[RK4 Integration]
K --> O[Quaternion Rotation]
subgraph GPS Processing
L --> P[Haversine Formula]
L --> Q[Coordinate Transform]
subgraph Simple Processing
M --> |Inherits|K
M --> R[Gyroscope Integration]
subgraph Support Modules
S[quaternion.py] --> |Provides|T[Quaternion Math]
U[config.py] --> |Configures|V[Flight States]
U --> |Defines|W[Plot Settings]
E --> J
T --> O
V --> B
W --> E
- Main Flow(
): Entry point- Creates data_format object
- Processes flight data
- Generates 3D visualization of three trajectory types
- Data Processing Layer(
): Core data processing- Handles sensor data:
- Accelerometer
- Gyroscope
- Magnetometer
- GPS coordinates
- Pressure/Altitude data
- Implements quaternion-based rotation calculations
- Provides methods for initial condition setup and EKF processing
- Handles sensor data:
- Trajectory Package(
): Implements various trajectory estimation methods:IMUTrajectory
: Calculates trajectory using IMU data- Uses RK4 integration
- Handles acceleration transformation from body to observer frame
: Processes GPS-based trajectory- Uses haversine formula for coordinate conversion
: Calculates trajectory based on simplified integration- Inherits from IMUTrajectory
- Uses gyroscope data for rotation
- Support Modules
: Quaternion mathematics utilitiesconfig.py
: Configuration parameters- Stores global configuration
- Defines flight states:
- stand_by
- launch
- apogee
- drogue
- main
- touchdown
- Contains plotting parameters
- Defines physical constants
스크립트를 실행하면 IMU, GPS, 그리고 기압 센서 데이터를 기록한 CSV 파일을 처리하여 비행 궤적을 구하고, 다음의 세 가지 방식으로 추정한 경로를 각각 시각화하여 나타냅니다.
The main script processes data from a CSV file containing IMU, GPS, and pressure sensor readings. It visualizes three different trajectory estimates:
- Kalman filter-based IMUtrajectory (red)
- GPS-based trajectory (green)
- Simple integration-based trajectory estimation (blue)
Method | Advantages | Limitations |
IMU Trajectory | - High temporal resolution - Accurate short-term tracking - Independent of external signals |
- Drift accumulation - Requires accurate initial conditions |
GPS Trajectory | - Absolute position reference - No drift over time - Simple implementation |
- Lower update rate - Dependent on signal availability |
Simple Trajectory | - Computationally efficient - Good for rough estimates - Easy to implement |
- Less accurate than RK4 - Susceptible to integration errors |
graph TD
A[IMU Data Input] --> B[Body Frame Acceleration]
B --> C[Quaternion Rotation]
C --> D[Observer Frame Acceleration]
D --> E[RK4 Integration]
E --> F[Position Update]
subgraph RK4 Steps
E --> G[k1 calculation]
E --> H[k2 calculation]
E --> I[k3 calculation]
E --> J[k4 calculation]
G & H & I & J --> K[Combined Update]
- Runge-Kutta 4th Order(RK4) integration:
For position
$\vec{r}$ and velocity$\vec{v}$ ,$\vec{k_1} = f(t_n, \vec{r_n})$ $\vec{k_2} = f(t_n + \frac{\Delta t}{2}, \vec{r_n} + \vec{k_1}\cfrac{\Delta t}{2})$ $\vec{k_3} = f(t_n + \frac{\Delta t}{2}, \vec{r_n} + \vec{k_2}\cfrac{\Delta t}{2})$ $\vec{k_4} = f(t_n + \Delta t, \vec{r_n} + \Delta t\vec{k_3})$ - Final update:
$\vec{r_{n+1}} = \vec{r_n} + \cfrac{\Delta t}{6}(\vec{k_1} + 2\vec{k_2} + 2\vec{k_3} + \vec{k_4})$
- Handles acceleration transformation from body to observer frame
- $\vec{a}{observer} = q \otimes \vec{a}{body} \otimes q^*$
- where:
$q = q_0 + q_1i + q_2j + q_3k$
graph TD
A[GPS Data Input] --> B[Convert to Radians]
B --> C[Calculate Reference Point]
C --> D[Haversine Distance]
D --> E[Local Coordinate Transform]
E --> F[3D Position Output]
- Haversine Formula:
$d = 2R \arcsin\left(\sqrt{\sin^2\left(\frac{\Delta\phi}{2}\right) + \cos\phi_1\cos\phi_2\sin^2\left(\frac{\Delta\lambda}{2}\right)}\right)$ -
$R$ : Earth's radius(지구 반지름) -
$\phi$ : latitude(위도) -
$\lambda$ : longitude(경도)
- Local Coordinate Transform:
$x = d\cos(\theta)$ $y = d\sin(\theta)$ -
$z = h$ (altitude)
Inherits from IMUTrajectory but uses a simplified integration approach.
graph TD
A[IMU Data Input] --> B[Gyroscope Integration]
B --> C[Simple Rotation Matrix]
C --> D[Acceleration Transform]
D --> E[Velocity Integration]
E --> F[Position Update]
- Gyroscope Integration:
$q_{n+1} = q_n + \frac{\Delta t}{2}q_n \otimes \omega_n$ - Position Update:
$\vec{v_{n+1}} = \vec{v_n} + \vec{a_n}\Delta t$ $\vec{r_{n+1}} = \vec{r_n} + \vec{v_n}\Delta t + \cfrac{1}{2}\vec{a_n}(\Delta t)^2$
- pandas
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scipy