Slides and course materials for GDI Burlington’s Developer Tools workshop. Developed by Rachael Arnold, based loosely on Alexandra Hoefinger’s GDI Philly class.
This course is meant to be taught as a one-night, 2.5 hour session. It is highly recommended that students have prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, as knowldege of them are assumed.
Slides and materials are hosted at
This workshop covers:
- Inspecting and manipulating the DOM
- Emulating devices
- Using the console as a REPL
- Javascript debugging overview
- Network profiling
If time permits, instructors may include saving local source files and other advanced topics.
f: Full-screen s: Show slide notes o: Toggle overview Esc: Escape from full-screen, or toggle overview
There are pretty extensive slide notes, including demo links, so it's best to run them from the beginning.
There are a lot of self-contained JS examples in that section but nothing should require a page reload. A few other demos are shown using the national Girl Develop It site when noted.