- Submit Talk Proposal as a Github Gist.
- Hashtag it with #LandingFest and #CallForSpeakers, then share it on your social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Medium) linking the Landing Festival Page on the chosen network/s
- Others can vote by starring the Gist.
- After sharing your competition entree in your social networks, please fill this Typeform with your name, email and the link of your share.
- Shares without the hashtags will be discarded.
- Our team will select the 3 best proposals that will go to the Final Voting phase.
- The Final Voting will be through our Social Networks Channels.
The proposal should include:
- The title of the talk;
- A brief description of the talk;
- The key takeaway from the talk
- Your favourite Matrix quote;
- Country and City of residence, together with a small paragraph about you.
- The themes of the proposals must be tech related, and fit within one of this tracks:
- Tech - Deep dive into existing technologies and projects. Hear stories of challenges and success.
- Future - Breakthrough technologies that transform the world. Discover first-hand the things that excite us to be alive.
- Careers - The search for continuous self-improvement, one geeky conversation at a time. Up your game to the next level, exit the Matrix.
- The maximum length for a talk is 20 mins. Proposals that don’t fit the tracks will be discarded.
- This competition is for EU residents only. If you leave outside the EU, follow us and keep posted for next events near your country of residence.
- The Call for Speakers will start on April 24th and the Top 3 for the Final Voting will be selected on the 13th of May.
- Final Voting will be between the 14th and the 18th of May.
- The Top 3 proposals win a free Access Ticket for the Landing Festival.
- The Winner will get a free trip and 2 night accommodation for 2 people to the Landing Festival, so they can present their talk either on the 29th or the 30th of June, 2018.
Landing Festival Lisbon 2018
It's time to make your next move