Pog is a simple logger for Go with a status indicator.
import (
type pogStatus struct {
icon byte
text string
color *color.Color
throb bool
func (s pogStatus) Icon() byte { return s.icon }
func (s pogStatus) Text() string { return s.text }
func (s pogStatus) Color() *color.Color { return s.color }
func (s pogStatus) Throb() bool { return s.throb }
var (
statusReady = pogStatus{'~', "Ready", color.New(color.FgGreen), true}
statusPrinting = pogStatus{'~', "Printing", color.New(color.FgBlue), false}
statusOffline = pogStatus{'!', "Offline", color.New(color.FgRed), false}
log.SetFlags(log.Ldate | log.Ltime)
pog.Info("I am ready.")
2023/10/18 11:59:11 [i] I am ready.
[~] Ready
pog.Info("Got a print.")
pog.Warn("That's a lot of words.")
2023/10/18 11:59:11 [i] I am ready.
2023/10/18 11:59:19 [i] Got a print.
2023/10/18 11:59:19 [w] That's a lot of words.
[~] Printing
pog.Error("Lost connection.")
2023/10/18 11:59:11 [i] I am ready.
2023/10/18 11:59:19 [i] Got a print.
2023/10/18 11:59:19 [w] That's a lot of words.
2023/10/18 11:59:57 [E] Lost connection.
[!] Offline