This bot is a bot that sorts through all the suggestion in a given channel and turns it into a fancy HTML page. Made specifically for the GTFO discord.
So it turns these discord messages into this fancy HTML page.
- Invite your bot that will run the code to the server. Make sure the bot has the following perms
- Read Messages
- Read Message History - Modify the config.json so the following values are set
token | Token of the bot.
debug | Whether you wish the bot to log data as it sorts through messages.
channel | The ID of the channel you wish to gather suggestions from.
upVoteEmoji | The ID of the emoji that counts as an UP vote.
downVoteEmoji | The ID of the emoji that counts as a DOWN vote.
tieGracePercent | The percentage of grace for a message's reactions to count as a tie.
validSuggestion | What classifies a message as a valid suggestion. Valid values are: "bot", "<insert id of message sender>" "anyone"
maxSuggestionsPerPage | How many suggestions to allow on a page. Set to 0 for no limit.
ownerIDs | The array of IDs that the bot will respond to.
updateHours | How many hours need to pass before the bot tries to update the HTML pages again. Use "false" to disable auto updates.
- Run the code. Any questions email me at [email protected]
It's simple to edit the html. All you need todo is make sure you have the following text exactly: <!-- Divider -->
*. This must be somewhere inside of a <table></table>
tag, as what my bot does is replaces that text with the data from the suggestions.