This respository contains a simple implementation of a hash table with a nested binary search tree for improved key lookup. The implementation provides classical methods such as:
- Insertion
- Lookup
- Deletion
Operating on the hash table
and further
- exits
Operating on the nested binary search tree in the hash table.
In summary the implementation provides options for directly looking up a key by indexing into the hash table using hash(key) and by looking up keys that are stored in a binary search tree in order of their hashed key value.
This repository contains C code written by a hobbyist self-taught programmer key concepts from the books System Design Interview volume one and two.
You '''will''' not find full fledged flawless implementations but instead working proof of concepts utilizing features such as mutexes, multithreading, networking, sockets, custom protocols and APIs.
Thus you will find, as per disclaimer, among other things lack of return checks, different use of returns (int, bools), large source files, repetive code, lack of project structure
The code is not flawless and does not account for all edge cases.
Finally this project is not an example of how to structure C projects. In this repository each of the features/concepts have been implemented in a single source file with a single header and are thus built indepedently.
I hope you find this useful.
The program can be used by using a compiler of your choice or utilizing the makefile
For example:
make hashtable
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me.
See the implementation or the below example for usage.
Methods operating on the nested binary search tree follow the pattern of hashtable_bst_method while methods operating on the hashtable follow the pattern of hashtable_method e.g. hashtable_insert
Calling a method on the hashtable will also call the appropiate method on the binary search tree.
* @brief Main
* @param argc
* @param argv
* @return int
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
hashtable_t *table = hashtable_create(1000, &hashtable_hash);
/* Insertion */
hashtable_insert(table, "A", "Value");
hashtable_insert(table, "E", "Value");
hashtable_insert(table, "B", "Value");
hashtable_insert(table, "G", "Value");
hashtable_insert(table, "J", "Value");
/* Lookup */
hashtable_bucket_item *n = hashtable_lookup(table, "A");
/* Key brute search using a binary search tree */
bool exists = hashtable_exists(table, "A");
/* Removal*/
hashtable_remove(table, "A");
exists = hashtable_exists(table, "A");