To use detrange
, you must have JAGS installed on your system. Go to for instructions. On a mac, you can
also install JAGS from homebrew with brew install jags
Once JAGS is installed, install the development version of detrange
from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
estimates detection range (DR) from multiple stations within
a passive acoustic telemetry array using range testing data collected in
the field. DR is defined by Kessel et al. (2014) as
“… the relationship between detection probability and the distance between the receiver and tag…presented graphically in the form of a logistic curve of detection probability.”
Given a modeled DR, it is possible to estimate the distance at which a target detection efficiency (DE) occurs. DE is defined by Brownscombe et al (2019) as
“[t]he number of acoustic transmitter detections effectively logged by an acoustic receiver in a given time period, expressed as a percentage (or proportion) of total potential detections based on transmission rate.”
Following recommendations from Brownscombe et al (2019) and Huveneers et al. (2016), it can be useful to estimate the distance at which a target level of DE occurs (i.e. midpoint of DR at 50% DE), e.g. to place sentinel tags at a sample of receivers to measure variation in DE over time.
Under the hood, detrange
uses JAGS software and the
rjags R
package to implement a Bayesian generalized linear model with logit link
and binomial response distribution. The user may choose to fit a
generalized linear mixed-effects model with random slope and/or random
intercept for each Station. Otherwise, Station is treated as a fixed
A benefit of using a Bayesian approach is that uncertainty can be quantified for estimates of the distance at which a specified DE occurs. Another benefit is the ability to incorporate prior information. By default, the priors used in the model are non-informative. However, the user may set custom priors, e.g., if prior information about realistic detection range in a given system is known or if data are limited.
expects data typical of detection range testing.
Mandatory columns include:
(character or factor)distance
(positive numeric)detects
(whole numeric)pings
(whole numeric)
Optional columns include:
(positive numeric)depth_tag
(postive numeric)
is the expected number of detections and detects
is the
observed number of detections over the duration of the range testing
time period at a given distance. If depth_receiver
and depth_tag
provided, distance is corrected to account for depth.
An example dataset range_test
is included for reference.
#> station distance pings detects depth_receiver depth_tag
#> 1 Border Right 100 90 70 3.0 7.0
#> 2 Border Right 200 96 0 3.0 3.6
#> 3 Border Right 300 78 10 3.0 1.8
#> 4 Border Right 400 90 0 3.0 9.4
#> 5 Genelle 100 78 68 2.3 7.4
#> 6 Genelle 250 78 7 2.3 5.1
Fit a model
# adjust the `nthin` argument to improve convergence.
fit <- dr_fit(detrange::range_obs)
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'mcmcr':
#> method from
#> as.mcmc.list.mcarray rjags
A number of generic methods are defined for the output object of
, including autoplot
, tidy
, coef
, augment
, estimates
, and predict
# model summary
#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
#> n K nchains niters nthin ess rhat converged
#> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <lgl>
#> 1 23 6 3 1000 10 51 1.09 FALSE
# parameter estimates
tidy(fit, conf_level = 0.89)
#> # A tibble: 4 × 6
#> term estimate lower upper svalue description
#> <term> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 bDistance -0.0248 -0.0406 -0.00992 5.49 Effect of distance on logi…
#> 2 bIntercept 3.92 1.73 5.99 5.62 Intercept of logit(`eDetec…
#> 3 sDistanceStation 0.0201 0.0111 0.0423 11.6 Standard deviation of `bDi…
#> 4 sInterceptStation 2.80 1.60 6.15 11.6 Standard deviation of `bIn…
# original data with corrected distance
#> Station Distance Pings Detects DepthReceiver DepthTag DistanceRaw
#> 1 Border Right 100.0800 90 70 3.0 7.0 100
#> 2 Border Right 200.0009 96 0 3.0 3.6 200
#> 3 Border Right 300.0024 78 10 3.0 1.8 300
#> 4 Border Right 400.0512 90 0 3.0 9.4 400
#> 5 Genelle 100.1300 78 68 2.3 7.4 100
#> 6 Genelle 250.0157 78 7 2.3 5.1 250
Plot predicted detection range
Predict distance(s) at target levels of detection efficiency
predicted_dist <- dr_predict_distance(fit, de = c(0.5, 0.8))
#> Station de estimate lower upper svalue
#> 1 Border Right 0.5 133.78845 119.82756 147.18271 11.55123
#> 7 Border Right 0.8 76.31486 52.11954 96.51069 11.55123
#> 2 Genelle 0.5 180.47057 158.48262 200.90797 11.55123
#> 8 Genelle 0.8 104.23110 70.08540 130.26285 11.55123
#> 3 Glenmarry 0.5 147.58768 134.06424 163.19103 11.55123
#> 9 Glenmarry 0.8 121.75911 109.17899 135.37747 11.55123
The output of dr_fit()
is a list with 3 elements:
- the model object of classjags
created byrjags::jags.model()
- the MCMC samples generated fromrjags::jags.samples()
converted tomcmcr
- the detection range data provided
These are the raw materials for any further exploration or analysis. For
example, view trace and density plots with plot(fit$samples)
See mcmcr and
mcmcderive for
working with mcmcr
objects, or convert samples to an object of class
, e,g, with coda::as.mcmc.list
for working with the
coda R package.
Please note that the detrange project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.