- 1 Azure Account
- 1 Azure AKS Cluster
- Azure CLI
- Kubectl
- Helm CLI
- OVH Account with a Domain Name
- Generate API OVH Credentials
$> az login
$> az account set --subscription xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$> az aks get-credentials --resource-group xxxxxxxx --name xxxxxxxx
$> cd Statfive/kubernetes
- Edit Traefik Ingress Files to match the proxy redirection urls with your domain name
- Edit Ovh API credentials
$> ./deploy.sh
- go to https://dashboard.{YOUR_DOMAIN}/
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
- Letsencrypt
- Certbot
$> sudo certbot certonly --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --manual -d '*.{YOUR_DOMAIN}'
- Change conf in nginx/*.conf files to match the proxy redirection urls with your domain name
$> sudo docker-compose up -d
- go to https://dashboard.{YOUR_DOMAIN}/