free and open-source wallpaper engine. set any window or video as your wallpaper
this was put together in ~2 afternoons worth of coding. I can't maintain this very regularly as I don't use windows and I have to either fire up a virtual machine or install windows temporarily to my 2nd pc to work on it, so help and testing are welcome
only tested on Windows 10 version 1709 build 16299.15, should work on all versions of windows 10 and 8.1 as well as Windows 7
- initial focus is on the command-line interface just because that's what I would use, but a gui is not hard to implement later on. it's easy to write glue scripts to automate it or bind it to keys anyways
- forwarding mouse interactions to the captured windows should be easy and would allow interactive wallpapers, I'll implement it ASAP
download the latest binaries from https://Francesco149/weebp/releases
extract the zip and place the folder anywhere you like
double-click 0bootstrap
. this will run install.ps1
. it's
recommended that you check install.ps1 in notepad before running this just
to make sure that it hasn't been tampered with and doesn't do anything bad
this will add the folder to your Path
environment variable and create
three shortcuts on your desktop to quickly add windows to your wallpaper
and control mpv without opening a shell
type wp
in a powershell or cmd window to check out the available
mpv is the ideal candidate to play video files or stream videos to your your desktop when combined with weebp. it's an extremely powerful player that combined with youtube-dl can stream videos and livestreams from almost any url as well as conventional video files.
download the latest mpv and youtube-dl here
I like throwing the mpv files and youtube-dl into the same folder as weebp so they're available from everywhere
if you don't want to do this, just make sure mpv's path is in your Path
environment variable
check out mpv-install.bat if you wish to make mpv your default player
this example starts Google Chrome in kiosk mode (borderless) on a nice 3D
demo site then sets it as the wallpaper on the left monitor. after that,
it starts infinitely looping playback of
using mpv, moves it to the right
monitor and sets it as the wallpaper on that monitor.
create a .bat file in the same folder as wp.exe and put the following in it
@echo off
wp run "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ^
--incognito ^
--kiosk ^
--no-default-browser-check ^
wp add --wait --fullscreen --name "Purgatory | Home - Google Chrome"
wp run mpv ^
--player-operation-mode=pseudo-gui ^
--force-window=yes ^
--terminal=no ^
--no-audio ^
--loop=inf ^
--loop-playlist=inf ^
--input-ipc-server=\\.\pipe\mpvsocket ^
wp mv --wait --class mpv -x 1920
wp add --wait --fullscreen --class mpv
if you have youtube-dl in the same folder as mpv, you can plug any youtube, twitch url or pretty much any streaming service instead of a video file/folder. try ! this will slow down the start-up time as it needs to connect to a server
you'd set up a script like this to run on start-up if you want your wallpaper to persist at all times
another neat mpv feature is that you can control it through a named pipe.
this means that you can send commands to an instance of mpv running in your
wallpaper to skip through your playlist, display text and more.
all you have to do is start mpv with
wp has a built-in shortcut to write commands to mpv like
wp mpv playlist-next
by the way, there's a headless version of wp.exe
that doesn't pop up a terminal. this is useful if you
want to create a shortcut that runs wp commands.
on linux you can just mpv --wid 0
to play a video on the wallpaper
window, but windows makes it a bit more obscure. at first I tried drawing
to GetDesktopWindow
and a few other windows that seemed good candidates
but it would just draw over the desktop icons.
after googling around a bit and dicking around on a friend's PC over teamviewer (I don't have windows installed) I found this great comment on codeproject that points out an undocumented window message that spawns a window behind the desktop icons. this is supposedly used to display the animation when switching backgrounds
I was delighted by the simple 2-lines-of-code solution so I decided to make my own lightweight wallpaper engine
the best part is that this transparently gives you the window handle so you
can plug it into virtually anything. mpv accepts a --wid
on windows as well so that already allows you to play almost any video format
to the wallpaper. if you add youtube-dl, you can also stream videos and
livestreams from all major sites
it's as simple as mpv --wid=$(wp id) myvideo.mp4
and it doesnt require
having steam open or anything
this is for developers and people who just want to compile this from source for any reason
- Visual C++ Build Tools 2017
- Windows 10 SDK (8.1 should work as well)
- git
- 7zip
the preferred method of installing dependencies is chocolatey
choco install git 7zip visualcpp-build-tools windows-sdk-10 -y
now open a powershell window, clone and build for 32 and 64 bit
git clone
cd weebp
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
.\vcvarsall17.ps1 x86; .\release.ps1
.\vcvarsall17.ps1 x64; .\release.ps1
if all goes well, this will create two zip's correctly named after the version and architecture
if you just want to build and not package, you can run cmd /c "build.bat" instead of
.\release.ps1and it will build
wp.exe``` into the
current directory
is a single header library, check the top of the file for
#include "weebp.c"
if you prefer using it as an actual library, a static weebp.lib
included and you can link it and omit the WP_IMPLEMENTATION
define to
only include the header part of weebp
there's also a dynamic library weeb.dll
, it's completely untested but
it should work for FFI/Pinvoke in other languages
this is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain see the attached UNLICENSE or for details