A collection of mini scripts I wrote to automate some easy tasks.
It's summer, you've got no AC, but you want to cool down your appartment. So you open the windows early in the morning. This is an auto reminder for when you should close the window before your room starts to heat up again.
WIP for the corpus project of my former workplace. Script using pyautogui to make the computer convert a folder with hundreds of abbyy files to .html files.
Lets you know when it's cold enough to put your frozen goods outside while you defrost the freezer.
For when you have to send out the same email(s) every month to the same person or list of people.
Want to only read a tweets with new content? This script dismisses all tweets from a twitter list that have (roughly) the same wording as previous ones during the last 7 days. Particularly useful when you're following news accounts that tweet out the same items repeatedly during a week.