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feat: add foxy donation form
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Adds the custom element foxy-donation to the application. Adjust the navigation and documentation

closes #5
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ndvo committed Sep 9, 2020
1 parent 2caaa03 commit 0a4a0c0
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Showing 5 changed files with 94 additions and 27 deletions.
12 changes: 5 additions & 7 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ If you're using the HMAC signing functionality, create a file called `

Then you'd run this `npm` command:

Expand All @@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ Load up that URL in your browser and see your site! And, extra cool: If you chan
1. **Set your own logo:** Replace the `src/static/logo.png` file with your own. Also, replace the _favicon_ files in `src/static/img/`. Alternately, you can change the logo filename or location by editing the `store.js` file. (Try []( to make it easy. The placeholder logo is from [DesignEvo free logo creator](
1. **Set your own theme:** If you are comfortable with CSS and TailwindCSS, go for it. If you aren't, check out the `tailwind.config.js` file in the root directory of the project. By setting these variables, you can start making the website look your own. You can take a look at `/src/assets/stylesheets/app.css` to get a sense for how Tailwind works.
1. **Set your own videos:** There's a `src/_highlights` folder. In this Each file contains something you want to highlight. Add or remove de `.md` files do add or remove highlights. The first one will be the first video available. They are also used to build the Highlight section of the website.
1. **Set your donation form configuration:** Edit `src/_data/site.yaml`file. You'll find you can customize the behaviour of the donation form, changing default values, options available and even removing fields altogether.
1. **ADVANCED: Fetch your data on compile time:** There's a `src/_data/lorem.js` file. It demonstrates how to fetch data from your own API during compile time. This way, you can have your content updated on each new deploy. **Be sure to remove `src/_data/lorem.js` file** if you're not going to use it. It makes real requests during build time. If you are not going to use the data fetched it is simply making unnecessary requests to the server and making your build time slower.

## Want to dive deeper?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,6 +282,7 @@ This minisite includes functionality to make it straightforward to setup the lin
This minisite comes with an easy to use setup of HMAC validation.

In order to use this feature you need to:

- provide your Store Secret (or the specific "HMAC signature generation" key within your store secret) as an environment variable
- provide a `code` parameter for each product
- configure your store to use HMAC validation (a checkbox in the Advanced Settings of your store)
Expand All @@ -292,7 +295,7 @@ Navigate to you store admin page in

Then, visit the Advanced link:
Then, visit the Advanced link:


Expand All @@ -308,7 +311,6 @@ To do that, check the "would you like to enable cart validation" box in the same


#### Second, provide the secret to your deploy

When you click the "Deploy to Netlify" button, Netlify will ask you some questions. One of them is your store secret. If you provide it there, this step will not be necessary.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,16 +349,13 @@ price_monthly: 39
image: /static/img/product9.jpg
image_alt_text: Non risu potius quam oratione eiciendum? N
code: WEA4983901


Non risu potius quam oratione eiciendum? Nihil enim hoc differt.

Notice the code `WEA4983901`. Only products with codes such as this will be signed. Other products **will error when added to the cart**. So just make sure all your products have a code (and that the codes are unique per product).

# Merging New Features to Your Site

When using the Deploy to Netlify button, it creates a clone of this repo, and _not a fork_. As such, it's just a little more work to merge new features from Foxy/eleventy-fundraising-minisite into your own version. First, you'll need to clone the repo locally on your computer. (Can't do this from the Github interface.) Then…
Expand All @@ -366,7 +365,6 @@ When using the Deploy to Netlify button, it creates a clone of this repo, and _n
1. Run `git merge upstream/master`
1. Review any merge conflicts, commit, and push to your own repo so Netlify deploys.

# Where to go from here?

Go ahead and click the deploy button. It will fork this repository for you and deploy a version to production. Go ahead and customize the files at will. You'll find some handy tips along the way.
Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/_assets/stylesheets/app.css
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Expand Up @@ -67,4 +67,33 @@ ol li {
@apply pb-1;

#content > section {
@apply pt-8 p-8 text-left relative;

* Set variables for the lumo theme
foxy-donation {
--lumo-primary-text-color: #05668d;
--lumo-primary-color-50pct: rgba(2, 128, 144, 0.5);
--lumo-primary-color-10pct: rgba(2, 128, 144, 0.1);
--lumo-primary-color: #028090;
--lumo-header-text-color: #05668d;
--lumo-body-text-color: #028090;
--lumo-primary-contrast-color: #fefff5;
--lumo-tint-5pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.05);
--lumo-tint-10pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.1);
--lumo-tint-20pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.2);
--lumo-tint-30pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.3);
--lumo-tint-40pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.4);
--lumo-tint-50pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.5);
--lumo-tint-60pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.6);
--lumo-tint-70pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.7);
--lumo-tint-80pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.8);
--lumo-tint-90pct: rgba(240, 243, 189, 0.9);
--lumo-tint: #f0f3bd;
--lumo-secondary-text-color: #02c39a;

@tailwind utilities;
33 changes: 28 additions & 5 deletions src/_data/site.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,17 +20,40 @@ navigation:
url: "#about"
description: Learn about what we're doing
- name: Donate!
url: "#products"
url: "#donate"
description: Help support us
- name: Needed items
url: "#items"
description: Help with a specific item

# The following are the headings for the navigation
highlightsTitle: "Here are some of our highlights"
highlightsText: "Click the links below to load the videos while you browse."
aboutTitle: "About Us" # This the heading for the 2nd section, if desired.
productsTitle: "Donation Items" # This is the heading for the products / donation items.
highlights_title: "Here are some of our highlights"
highlights_text: "Click the links below to load the videos while you browse."
about_title: "About Us" # This the heading for the 2nd section, if desired.
donate_title: "Donate"
needed_items_title: "Needed Items" # This is the heading for the products / donation items.

currency_symbol: $
currency: usd

name: "One-Time Donation" # this field is required
amount: 100 # this field is required
# fields bellow can be ommited to stop the form from using them
# you can simply delete them, but it would be best to simply comment it out so you can bring it back if you wish.
amounts: "[25, 50, 100, 500,1000]" # must be in JSON format
anonymity: false
comment: false
custom: '["amount", "designation"]' # must be in JSON format
designation: '["Area of Greatest Need"]' # must be in JSON format. Sets the default designation value.
designations: '["Area of Greatest Need", "Medical Aid", "Economic Relief"]' # Sets the degination options.
frequencies: '["0d", "1m", "2m", "3m"]' # must be in JSON format. Sets the frequencies options.
frequency: "1m" # set the default frequency option
# use 1d for 1 per day (daily contributions)
# use 1w for 1 per week (weekly contributions)
# use 1m for 1 per month (monthly contributions)
# use 1y for 1 per year (yearly contributions)

# Careful! Use quotes around your links.
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/_layouts/base.njk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
{% else %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/app.compiled.css">
{% endif %}
<script type="module" src=""></script>
<body class="font-sans">
{# {% include "nav.njk" %} #}
Expand Down
46 changes: 31 additions & 15 deletions src/index.njk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: onepage.njk
title: JAMStack e-commerce with

<section id="welcome" class="pt-8 p-8 md:p-12 text-left">
<section id="welcome" class="md:p-12">
{{ site.title }}
Expand All @@ -14,18 +14,12 @@ title: JAMStack e-commerce with
{% set welcome %}{% include './_data/' %}{% endset %}
{% markdown welcome %}

{# {% if site.texts.presentation %}
{{ site.texts.presentation }}
{% endif %} #}

{% if collections.highlight.length > 1 %}
{{ site.texts.highlightsTitle }}
{{ site.texts.highlights_title }}

{% markdown site.texts.highlightsText %}
{% markdown site.texts.highlights_text %}


Expand All @@ -49,9 +43,9 @@ title: JAMStack e-commerce with
{% if site.texts.aboutTitle %}
<hr />

<section id="about" class="pt-8 p-8 md:p-12 text-left relative">
<section id="about" class="md:p-12">
{% include 'backToTop.njk' %}
<h2>{{ site.texts.aboutTitle }}</h2>
<h2>{{ site.texts.about_title }}</h2>

{% set about %}{% include './_data/' %}{% endset %}
{% if about %}{% markdown about %}{% endif %}
Expand All @@ -65,13 +59,35 @@ title: JAMStack e-commerce with
{% endif %}

<hr />
<section id="donate" class="md:p-12">
{% include 'backToTop.njk' %}
<h2>{{ site.texts.donate_title }}</h2>
{% set strippedStoreDomain = store.storedomain.replace('', '') %}

<foxy-donation store="{{strippedStoreDomain}}"
{% if site.donation_form.amounts %} amounts="{{site.donation_form.amounts}}" {% endif %}
{% if site.donation_form.custom %} custom='{{site.donation_form.custom}}' {% endif %}
{% if site.donation_form.designation %} designation='{{site.donation_form.designation}}' {% endif %}
{% if site.donation_form.designations %} designations='{{site.donation_form.designations}}' {% endif %}
{% if site.donation_form.frequencies %} frequencies='{{site.donation_form.frequencies}}' {% endif %}
{% if site.donation_form.frequency %} frequency="{{site.donation_form.frequency}}" {% endif %}
{% if site.donation_form.comment %} comment {% endif %}
{% if site.donation_form.anonymity %} anonymity {% endif %}

<section id="products" class="pt-8 p-8 md:p-12 pb-0 md:pb-0 text-left relative">
<hr />

<section id="items" class="pb-0 md:p-12 md:pb-0">
{% include 'backToTop.njk' %}
<h2>{{ site.texts.productsTitle }}</h2>
<h2>{{ site.texts.needed_items_title }}</h2>

<section class="container p-2 pb-4 m-auto flex w-full flex-wrap items-stretch justify-start relative">
<div class="container p-2 pb-4 m-auto flex w-full flex-wrap items-stretch justify-start relative">
{% for product in collections.product %}

<div class="flex flex-col items-center w-full lg:w-1/2 p-2">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,4 +170,4 @@ title: JAMStack e-commerce with
{% endfor %}


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