Fork of odavid/maven-plugins, with the primary intention of keeping mixin-maven-plugin up-to-date and working.
General purpose maven plugins and extensions
- antrun-maven-plugin - An modified version of maven-antrun-plugin, that uses Maven Logging as output instead of stdout
- attach-report-maven-plugin - A report plugin that let you use pre-created html files, such as surefire report instead of regenerating them in site phase
- maven-logging-extension - A Maven extension that adds slf4j MDC eye catcher (module-groupId:module-artifactId) to the log message for every log line. This helps to identify issues in a multithreaded build
- mojo-descriptor-maven-plugin - A plugin descriptor generator for ant based mojos, that uses a simplified xml for defining ant based mojos
- mixin-maven-plugin - A Maven extension that let a pom developer import other pom files properties and pluginManagement sections without inherting them or copy/paste. See mixin-maven-plugin
All code is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0