- When you want to implement a new feature, create a branch from Master or any other target branch and name it appropriately.
- feature-name_of_the_feature
- update-name_of_the_feature
- bug-name_of_the_feature
- and so on...
- Limit the amount of work done on a single branch to facilitate easy review fro other team members.
- Once work on a particular branch is complete, create a Pull Request and let the team know, so that the review and merge process can begin.
- Do not push any code to Master. The PR has to be approved by at least 2 other members of the team.
The ruby environment has been setup on the system using RVM as it gives us greater flexibility to use different versions of Ruby and install/remove gems without breaking already installed packages.
curl -sSL https://rvm.io/mpapis.asc | gpg --import -
\curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
- Open you terminal, Select Edit from the menu Bar and click on
Profile Preferences
(Ubuntu 17.04 and before) orPreferences
(Ubuntu 18.04 and higher) - Open Command tab and tick "Run command as a login shell" and Close
You can install Ruby 2.6.5 using :
rvm install 2.6.5
Bundler package for installation through Gemfile
gem install bundler
gem install rails -v 6.0.2
To install few JS gems, you need NodeJS installed on your system:
sudo apt install nodejs
To install the RMagick gem, install the following in your system:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev
Clone the Project repository.
In your PROJECT_ROOT, run rails db:migrate
In your PROJECT_ROOT, run rails s -p 3000
You should have your website running at http://localhost:3000
That's it! :)