Discord for support;
jc-simpletrash is as it states in it's name! It's a simple script for searching in trashcans for items, with an incredibly easy and modifiable config file. All you need to do is assign which models of trashcans should be searchable and what items can be found and you'll be basically good to go!
Config = Config or {}
Config.AmountToFind = math.random(1, 5) -- The range of how many items you can find in each dumpster/trash, can be a solid number too!
Config.QBVersion == 'oldqb' -- Just the logic of how inventory itembox is handled! "oldqb" or "newqb"
Config.Trashcans = { -- The models of the trashcans you want to be searchable!
Config.ItemsToFind = { -- The items that can be found in trashcans
item = 'phone', -- The ID/Name of the item from inventory
price = 0, -- Just leave this at 0
amount = math.random(2, 4), -- Can be a solid number
info = {}, -- If you want a specific data to be assigned for the item
type = 'item', -- Just the category of the item
chance = 50 -- How high a chance it is to find!
item = 'tablet',
price = 0,
amount = math.random(2, 4),
info = {},
type = 'item',
chance = 50
item = 'bandage',
price = 0,
amount = math.random(2, 4),
info = {},
type = 'item',
chance = 50
item = 'cryptostick',
price = 0,
amount = 1,
info = {},
type = 'item',
chance = 50
item = 'bread',
price = 0,
amount = 1,
info = {},
type = 'item',
chance = 100