Stuy Fission 310
First Tech Challenge Velocity Vortex '16-'17 Robot Code
Written and maintained by Ryan Siu
With help from our programmers, Joe Suzuki and Matthew Chan
File | Contents or Auton Routine |
AutonCapBallPark | Knocks the cap ball off and does a partial center park |
AutonDefenseCapBallBlue | Waits, knocks the cap ball off, and plays defense on the red alliance's second beacon, starting from corner |
AutonDefenseCapBallRed | Waits, knocks the cap ball off, and plays defense on the blue alliance's second beacon, starting from corner |
AutonDefenseRamp | Waits and plays defense on the opposing alliance's second beacon, starting next to ramp |
CraigLauncherAuton | Contains hardware and methods for auton programs |
CraigLauncherTeleop | Contains teleop code for robot |
RGBAutonEncodersBlue | Scores both beacons, knocks the cap ball off and does a partial center park for blue alliance |
RGBAutonEncodersRed | Scores both beacons, knocks the cap ball off and does a partial center park for red alliance |
RGBTest | Test program to see if color sensor has been properly initialized (should be run before every RGB Auton) |
VuforiaTest* | Test CV program |
Note: * denotes work in progress or incomplete