Ripple is a systems level programming language, that has the static memory safety of Rust, with the syntax of C#, and many of the powerful generics/templates features of C++.
- Static memory safety (with lifetime inference)
- C# like syntax
- Turing complete generics
- OOP with classes
- Memory safe lambdas
- Module and Package system
- C and C++ Interoperability
- Traits and Type-classes with Interfaces
- Rust like move, copy, and clone semantics
Hello World:
using module Core.IO;
func Main() -> void
Console.PrintLine("Hello World!");
External Code and Generics:
extern "C" malloc(usize size) -> mut void*;
extern "C" free(void* ptr) -> void;
module Core.Memory
unsafe func New<T, TArgs...>(TArgs args...) -> T*
where T is IConstructable<TArgs...>
T mut* ptr = malloc(sizeof<T>()) as T mut*;
ptr := T(args...);
return ptr;
unsafe func<T> Delete(T mut* ptr) -> void
comptime if(T is Destructible)
free(ptr as void*);
Classes and Data Structures:
using module Core.Memory;
module Core
class Unique<T> : IDereferencable<T>
private unsafe T* ptr;
public Unique<TArgs...>(TArgs args...)
where T is IConstructable<TArgs...>
ptr = New<T>(args...);
public func Indirect(this ?mut&) -> T& { return ptr as T ?mut&; }
public ~Unique()
impl<T> ICloneable for Unique<T> where T is ICloneable
public func Clone(this&) -> Unique<T>
return Unique(ptr->Clone());
- Ripple is EXTREMELY incomplete, and 90% of the above features are not implemented yet
- Here is a partial documentation of the current features of Ripple