A CSS magician from the United States
🔭 I’m currently working on...
- Wafrn: A federated social media inspired by tumblr
- Obsidian Everforest Enchanted: A theme for the note-taking application Obsidian written in pure CSS
- fireis.dev: My personal website
- Limbus Image: Tier list image generator for the game Limbus Company
- spaceman.nvim: Workspace manager plugin for Neovim
- Fish Quiz: Fish Quiz
- (assorted small projects)
🌱 I’m currently interested in general web development (but honestly anything that seems fun)
💬 Ask me about HTML, CSS, TS, Rust, and Desmos
📫 Reach me...
- By email:
- [email protected] (Official)
- [email protected] (Personal)
- On Discord: @fireisgood
- By email: