Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) with Neural Network (NN) based Agent in NL Texas Hold'em Poker Game Environment with Python & PyTorch
It is a pure DRL with implemented algorithms such as PG, AC and PPO.
pypoks does not use any search algorithm while training or playing.
No prior knowledge of poker game rules is required by the RL algorithm.
The algorithm can be easily adjusted for any bet sizes, table sizes, starting stacks, etc.
- Testbed for different RL concepts like PG, A3C, PPO, and their modifications
- Efficient NN Agent (PyTorch-based) architecture details
- Asynchronous self-play: multi-GPU, many subprocesses, hundreds of tables at once
- Efficient environment events (data) representation (multiplayer, many bets)
- Efficient process (and subprocesses) monitoring
- Genetic Algorithms (GA) for policies (with PyTorch)
- High (poker) variance & backpropagation
- High (poker) variance & policy evaluation
In some sub-folders, there are separate READMEs (.md). Please follow them for more detailed concepts of the code from the sub-folders.
The project may be set up with Python=<3.11. Install requirements from requirements.txt
For instructions on how to install tkinter
for Python 3.11, please go to the gui/tkinter folder.
To run training scripts, you will need about 50 CPU cores, 120GB RAM, and a 2x GPU system.
You may just play
with trained agents downloaded from here
To play a human game with agents, you will also need tkinter
for GUI. Please install it.
To train a poker agent (DMK) from scratch, run:
$ python run/
This script will train a set of agents with RL self-play. The script is preconfigured with many options that will fit a system with 2x GPUs (11GB).
Trained agents available for download with the link above took about 5 days to train.
While training, you may check the progress with TensorBoard (run
In case of OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files
, you may need to increase the open-files limit: $ ulimit -n 65535
To play a game with trained agents:
$ python run/
Allowed moves are defined in the /game_configs
yaml file.
While playing, a debug of the game is logged to the terminal - you can always check the cards played by each agent.