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This Terraform module provisions a virtual machine (VM) on OpenStack to be part of a HashiCorp Vault cluster. It configures the VM with cloud-init, sets up Vault, and optionally configures Chrony for NTP synchronization.


Input Variables

The module accepts the following input variables:

  • name: Name to assign to the VM.
  • image_source: Source of the VM's image, specified as either an image_id or a volume_id.
  • flavor_id: ID of the VM flavor to determine the compute, memory, and storage capacity.
  • network_port: Network port to assign to the VM. Should be of type openstack_networking_port_v2.
  • server_group: Server group to assign to the VM. Should be of type openstack_compute_servergroup_v2.
  • keypair_name: Name of the SSH keypair for admin access to the VM.
  • ssh_admin_public_key: Public SSH key for admin access.
  • chrony: Optional chrony configuration for when you need a more fine-grained ntp setup on your vm. It is an object with the following fields:
  • install_dependencies: Whether to install dependencies during cloud-init. Defaults to true.
  • release_version: Vault release version to install. Defaults to "1.13.1".
  • hostname: The hostname used for Vault configuration (api_addr and cluster_addr).
  • tls: Tls configuration for secure communication with vault. It has the following keys:
    • ca_certificate: Ca certificate to authentify the server.
    • server_certificate: Tls certificate to authentify the server.
    • server_key: Tls private key to authentify the server.
    • client_auth: Whether to turn on client authentication.
  • etcd_backend: Client connection configuration for the etcd cluster to connect to as a storage backend. It has the following keys:
    • key_prefix: Prefix in etcd's keyspace to use to detect envoy's configuration. Note that the key containing the configuration is assumed to have envoy's node id appended to that prefix.
    • urls: Urls of the etcd cluster. Should be a comma-separated list.
    • ca_certificate: CA certificate that should be used to authentify the etcd cluster's server certificates.
    • client: Client authentication to etcd. It should have the following keys.
      • certificate: Client certificate to use to authentify against etcd. Can be empty if password authentication is used.
      • key: Client key to use to authentify against etcd. Can be empty is password authentication is used.
      • username: Username to use for password authentication. Can be empty if certificate authentication is used.
      • password: Password to use for password authentication. Can be empty is certificate authentication is used.

Cloud-Init Templates

The module dynamically generates cloud-init configurations for the VM, including:

  • Base configuration (base.cfg)
  • Vault configuration (vault.cfg)
  • Prometheus Node Exporter configuration (node_exporter.cfg)
  • Chrony configuration (chrony.cfg) if enabled

OpenStack Compute Instance

The openstack_compute_instance_v2 resource is used to create the VM with the specified configurations. It includes settings for the image, flavor, key pair, user data, network, block devices, and lifecycle configurations.


The module uses external Terraform modules for configuring Vault, Prometheus Node Exporter, and Chrony, sourced from git::


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