ReNavigation is a navigation framework providing a comprehensive Router that performs all iOS navigation functions easily.
The motivation behind this project was to spin-off a great navigation solution from ReMVVMExtUIKit framework made by ReMVVM organization (dgrzeszczak, gjurzak, jwolansk). The original solution was a part of a larger ReMVVM framework and was tightly coupled with its Redux Application State. This project is a standalone navigation framework that can be used alongside ReMVVM or any other architecture.
On app launch you initialize the ReNavigation with UIWindow and UIStateConfig. Then you can access the Router by using a property wrapper. Using the router is as simple as calling navigation methods:
- showOnRoot(loader: ReNavigation.Loader,
animated: Bool = true,
navigationBarHidden: Bool = true)
- show<Item: NavigationItem>(on item: Item,
loader: ReNavigation.Loader,
animated: Bool = true,
navigationBarHidden: Bool = true,
resetStack: Bool = false)
- push(loader: ReNavigation.Loader,
pop: PopMode? = nil,
animated: Bool = true)
- pop(mode: PopMode = .pop(1),
animated: Bool = true)
- showModal(loader: ReNavigation.Loader,
animated: Bool = true,
withNavigationController: Bool = true,
presentationStyle: UIModalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen,
preferredCornerRadius: CGFloat? = nil)
- dismissModal(dismissAllViews: Bool = false,
animated: Bool = true)
var uiTabBarConfig: NavigationConfig.TabBarItems<NavigationTab> = { tabBar, items in
.forEach {
$0.uiTabBarItem.title = $0.item.title
$0.uiTabBarItem.image = $0.item.iconImage
$0.uiTabBarItem.selectedImage = $0.item.iconImageActive
return TabBarItemsResult()
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
@ReNavigation.Router private var router
var window: UIWindow?
func application(_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
let appWindow = window ?? UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
let tabConfig = try! NavigationConfig(NavigationTab.uiTabBarConfig,
for: [NavigationTab.todo, .stack, .profile])
let uiStateConfig = UIStateConfig(initialController: LaunchScreen.instantiateInitialViewController(),
navigationController: EXNavigationController.init,
navigationConfigs: [tabConfig],
navigationBarHidden: false)
ReNavigation.initialize(for: appWindow, uiConfig: uiStateConfig)
router.showOnRoot(view: ContentView())
return true