Bennu v4.0.0.RC1
Bennu 4.0.0.RC1 is the first Release Candidate for the final 4.0.0 release. The differences between the previous milestone and the RC are shown below:
- [BNN-179] - Toolkit - Edit url after being added to text
- [BNN-221] - Urls in pages are set to relative by default
- [BNN-265] - Minified toolkit throws an error when loading
- [BNN-266] - bennu-user-autocomplete does not trigger onchange event
- [BNN-267] - Localized String doesn't change lanaguage when value is equal
- [BNN-271] - HTML-Editor with Localized-String integration with angular is not working.
- [BNN-272] - Consider toString exceptions in request attributes when Error Handling
- [BNN-278] - Portal breaks if no base documentation url is defined
- [BNN-280] - DownloadUtil is not properly handling misbehaving InputStreams
- [BNN-180] - Unified Post Message System
- [BNN-235] - CSS should load before JavaScript
- [BNN-268] - User search should return active users by default
- [BNN-275] - Keep the user's locale in a Cookie instead of the Session
- [BNN-276] - Upgrade to Spring 4.2.1.RELEASE
- [BNN-281] - FileStorage API shoud receive a reference to the GenericFile
New Feature
- [BNN-262] - Provide mechanisms for Cache Busting of the app's logo and theme files
- [BNN-264] - Add utility methods to download GenericFiles
- [BNN-269] - Allow for pluggable authentication mechanisms
- [BNN-279] - Allow File Storages to specify a low-level way to download files
- [BNN-273] - Extract CAS functionalities into a new Login Provider