Gothic 1 CZ revision
Idea here is to revisit Czech translation of Gothic 1.
In order to figure out where there are issues with Czech translation I took English version of scripts published by NicoDE from on 16.02.2017:
German texts were taken directly from
Czech translation is mapped next to original German & English text, which are both commented out. This way we can quickly check what original text looked like:
instance DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit(C_INFO)
npc = Bau_900_Ricelord;
nr = 1;
condition = DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_Condition;
information = DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_Info;
permanent = 0;
// description = "Have you got work for me?";
// description = "Hast du Arbeit für mich?";
description = "Máš pro mě nějakou práci?";
func int DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_Condition()
if Npc_KnowsInfo(hero,DIA_Ricelord_Hello)
&& !Npc_KnowsInfo(hero,DIA_Lefty_First)
&& (LeftyDead == False)
return 1;
func void DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_Info()
// AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_15_00"); //Have you got work for me?
// AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_15_00"); //Hast du Arbeit für mich?
AI_Output(other,self,"DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_15_00"); //Máš pro mě nějakou práci?
// AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_12_01"); //Go and see Lefty. He's usually to the right of the shed.
// AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_12_01"); //Geh zu Lefty. Er ist meistens hier vorne rechts neben der Scheune.
AI_Output(self,other,"DIA_Ricelord_Arbeit_12_01"); //Běž za Leem. Obvykle bývá napravo od haly.
- First step - review all C_INFO.description texts, AI_Output dialogs, B_LogEntry & PrintScreen entries
- Then review all other czech texts (C_ITEM, SVM, etc.)
- Fix all bugs (not only dialog related, e.g. ZS_Sleep routine, where NPC actually don't use beds and don't sleep)