Welcome to my C# Projects repository! This repository contains various C# projects that I've worked on, showcasing different levels of programming skills and concepts.
- Description: A simple console application for managing and tracking tasks.
- Features:
- Add new tasks
- Update existing tasks
- Delete tasks
- View all tasks
- Technologies: C#
- Status: Completed
- Key Concepts: Applied basic C# programming concepts, including loops and conditional statements.
- Description: A simple console-based quiz game where the player answers multiple-choice questions.
- Features:
- Three questions on general knowledge
- Provides feedback on correct and incorrect answers
- Calculates and displays the final score
- Technologies: C#
- Status: Completed
- Key Concepts: Applied exception handling to manage user input and prevent crashes.
- Description: A console application for managing product inventory.
- Features:
- Add new products
- Update existing products
- View all products with details like name, quantity, and price
- Technologies: C#
- Status: Completed
- Key Concepts: Applied multidimensional arrays to store and manage product information.
- Description: A library management system console application for tracking book information, issuing, and returning books.
- Features:
- Add and remove books from the library
- Issue and return books
- View book inventory
- Technologies: C#
- Status: Completed
- Key Concepts: Applied collections and data structures to manage library data efficiently.
- Description: A console-based maze game where the player navigates through a grid using keyboard arrows.
- Features:
- Procedurally generated walls and pathways
- Player movement restricted by walls
- Simple and interactive gameplay
- Technologies: C#
- Status: Completed
- Key Concepts: Applied object-oriented programming principles, including interfaces, classes, and inheritance.
- Description: A console application that simulates a shopping experience, allowing users to add, remove, and checkout items in a cart.
- Features:
- Add items to cart
- Remove items from cart
- View cart and checkout
- Technologies: C#
- Status: Completed
- Key Concepts: Applied stacks, dictionaries, and tuples to manage cart operations and undo actions.
- Description: A console application simulating a temperature sensor system with observer functionality.
- Features:
- Set the temperature value
- Update alarm threshold values
- Displays the current temperature
- Raises an alarm if the temperature exceeds the set threshold
- Technologies: C#
- Status: Completed
- Key Concepts:
- Implemented the Observer design pattern.
- Created custom events and delegates for real-time updates.
Feel free to explore the code, provide feedback, or contribute!