FastReport OpenSource 2020.1.0
➕ added an ability to change decimal digits for Number, Currency and Percent formats when UseLocale property is true
➕ added a property "SplitRows" for MatrixObject. By default, its value is False and in this case rows with the same vaues are joined. If True - rows are split (like TableObject)
➕ added an ability to change export settings. To do this, you need to subscribe to the ExportParameters event in WebReport.Report
🐛 fixed a bug with trying to convert DBNull in empty string when ConvertNulls is disabled
🐛 fixed a bug when PageFooter with PrintOn=LastPage causes to print it on penultimate page
🐛 fixed view of background on BarcodeObject at Html export
🐛 fixed incorrect width and height for reports with mixed page orientation (Landscape & Portrait)
🐛 fixed incorrect view of background in ShapeObject
🐛 fixed lack of non-standard fill (Hatch, LinearGradient, etc.) on ShapeObject
🐛 fixed a bug with SQLite plugin if database includes null-values
Known issue: Save button in Preview does not respond to click.