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@juanjp600 juanjp600 released this 03 Apr 03:26


  • Fixed console errors when hatchlings spawn.
  • Fixed beds causing injuries instead of healing them.
  • Fixed diving suit holder not filling up oxygen tanks.
  • Fixed messed up frozen seed display sprite.


  • Adjustments and balancing to monster spawns.
  • Modifed meds, buffs and poisons fabrication times.
  • Potential fix to occasional disconnects with an "index was outside the bounds of the array (ENTITY_POSITION)" error message. Happened when lots of items and characters were being created and removed in rapid succession, for example when using turrets against large numbers of enemies.
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by an "index out of range" exception in Hull.Update after loading or mirroring certain custom submarines.
  • Fixed submarine class not affecting the depth at which a submarine starts taking pressure damage.
  • Linked subs inherit the submarine class of the parent sub. Fixes drones/shuttles on deep diver subs getting crushed in the late game levels.
  • Fixed nav terminal displaying pressure warnings when the sub is past the crush depth of a non-upgraded sub.
  • Fixed character variants not having inventories.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes spawning inside floating ice chunks.
  • Logbooks now longer spawn in secure steel cabinets in wreck missions.
  • Crystal and rock caves can appear in cold caverns.
  • Show cave entrance markers on the sonar during mineral missions.
  • Allow using some the new client-side console commands without command permissions in multiplayer.
  • Fixed empty container indicators being animated on nearly all item.
  • Fixed incorrect contained state indicator on flashlights.
  • Display target item name in the tooltip for orders which have no options but have target item icons.
  • Decreased the amount of burn on first patient in medic tutorial.
  • Removed the deals groups from the store interface when there are no deals set for the current location.
  • Fixed wrecks sometimes blocking cave entrances.
  • Fixed Kastrull drone flooding when undocking using the button next to the hatch.
  • Fixed wire/component placement grid having a too high opacity.
  • Fixed bots being unable to shoot ice spires if the point on the spire that's closest to the turret is outside the turret's rotation limits.
  • Fixed ancient weapon being sometimes unable to damage ruin walls.


Cave improvements:

  • New cave types and improvements to cave sprites.
  • New cave hazards: exploding mushrooms, gas vents that drain oxygen and fuel tanks, sharp crystals that inflict bleeding and lacerations, hallucination-inducing plants.
  • Made the caves more narrow.
  • Position caves and ruins closer to the main path so the players won't have to swim hundreds of meters just to get to the entrance.
  • Completing a nest mission turns adjacent empty locations to "Explored".
  • Monster spawns are delayed up to a certain limit when most of the human players are exploring a ruin, wreck or a cave.
  • Show a sonar marker at the cave's entrance in nest missions.
  • Added some nest-specific level objects.

Additions and changes:

  • Implemented stacking small items.
  • Decreased toolbelt capacity to 6 slots.
  • Rebalanced level events to have a better difficulty curve.
  • Further improvements and balancing to the way locations change to other types of locations.
  • The owner of a duffel bag is shown when hovering the cursor over one.
  • Increased vanilla drones' range to 400 m.
  • Nerfed stunning. The effect is now incremental: for example, a few hits from a stun baton only slows the target down, but a full stun requires several hits.
  • Allow laying on beds.
  • Added mudraptor, thresher and crawler hatchlings.
  • Removed vision obstructing effects from diving mask and diving suit.
  • Added "quickstart" console command.
  • Added "setfreecamspeed" console command.
  • Zoom more slowly when holding Ctrl in freecam. The speed can be adjusted with the "camerasettings" command.
  • Added "CauseSpeechImpediment" attribute to afflictions that stops huskaffliction from causing a speech impediment when set to false.
  • Added "sendmessages" attribute to affliction prefabs. When set to false it prevents husk affliction from sending messages on the screen.
  • Increased the steps in the aim assist slider to make it possible to set it more precisely (there's a big difference between 0% and 10%).
  • Show a "waiting for the campaign to start" text for clients without campaign management permissions in the game mode panel when campaign is being set up.
  • Disable all the non-campaign-related elements in the server lobby when a campaign or campaign setup is active.
  • Added some diving suits to outpost modules.
  • Made engine's propeller damage indicator in the sub editor match the damage radius.
  • Invert nav terminal velocity_x output and applied engine force for flipped subs. This should make it so that the sub will go forward when the engine is in "forward" state, instead of going to the right which is the default forward direction.
  • Made cabinets waterproof.
  • Nav terminals display a warning then the autopilot detects an ice spire.
  • Modified oxygen tank, welding fuel tank, underwater scooter and duffel bag densities (they don't sink or ascend as quickly as they used to).
  • Reduced skill requirements for rewiring.
  • Restrict Concat Component's output length.
  • Welding tools can now be used to destroy ballast flora.
  • Made floating ice chunks easier to destroy.
  • Ballast flora can be damaged by explosions and tools even when it's submerged.
  • Select the items/structures in an assembly when placing one in the sub editor.
  • Fertilizer no longer increases water consumption on plants.
  • Replaced fuel rods for uranium in fertilizer recipes.
  • Allow adjusting sound volumes at 1% increments.
  • Allow opening Command Interface's manual assignment when using hotkeys or "clickless" mode. Can be done by holding Shift (same key used to open the contextual interface) when navigating to the assignment phase.
  • Added new editable property "NonPlayerTeamInteractable" for Items. Prevents players or the bots in their crew from interacting with the item, but still allows outpost NPCs to interact with it.
  • Made outpost reactors non-interactable for player team characters.
  • Monsters can spawn at both sides of the level during PvP missions, as opposed to always spawning near the sub on the left.
  • Disable trying to edit human heads in the character editor, because it would break.
  • Monsters can now use doors for fleeing and they should be able to break doors that are in the way to the escape target. However, if the target they are fleeing from is in the same room, they still "panic" and just try to run away from the target.
  • Previously the swimming speed of monsters was halved. Now it's clamped. This fixes slow monsters like husk swimming really slow inside the submarine, but it also affects the others.
  • Added a diving knife in one of the security item sets, so that the security officers always have a lethal weapon and won't have to keep bashing the creatures with a stun baton.
  • Added a medic crate for medical items that are bought from an outpost. Previously the medical items were spawned inside a chemical crate.
  • Changed the sounds heard in psychosis depending on whether the character is inside or outside of a submarine.
  • Husks can now operate doors and hatches. They can also climb ladders and break doors, which they can't open.
  • Added ability to set custom background images in sub editor.
  • Added a checkbox to skip localization to item labels.
  • Made changes to ignore icon visibility: they can now be seen from further and won't fade out when you move close to them.
  • Made item selling prices adjust based on the store balance: as the store balance decreases, the store will offer less for the items you are selling.
  • Added "wikiimage_character" command, which generates an isolated image of the currently controlled character.
  • Added "wikiimage_sub" command, which generates an isolated image of the currently loaded submarine.
  • Renamed memory component's "signal_store" input as "lock_state".
  • Added visual snap grid into submarine editor and "togglegrid" console command to toggle it.
  • Relay's toggle input ignores "0" signals.
  • Only allow attaching one wire to a reactor's power_out connection, because more leads to power issues.
  • Made motion sensor's IgnoreDead, Offset and Target properties editable in-game.
  • Entering the sub while docked to an outpost doesn't make the music switch from an outpost track to a normal one.
  • Restricted pet name tag to 32 characters.
  • Instead of a static starting wallet of 2500 marks, the players get 8500 minus the price of the starting sub.
  • Replaced existing skill progression feedback with skill increase popups.
  • Added new music track, "Extraterrestrial Broadcast".
  • Fruits now float on water.
  • Added a HSV color picker in sub editor that can be accessed by clicking the small color preview rectangle in the property editor.
  • Ctrl+V keybind in sub editor now pastes on the position of your cursor instead of at the center of the screen.
  • Holding Alt and dragging the mouse now brings up a measuring tape in sub editor.
  • Added "bindkey", "unbindkey" and "savebinds" console commands that can be used to assign console commands to keys.
  • Disabled hotbar slot keybinds when holding the Windows Key on Linux.
  • Allow banning players who've left the server by clicking on their name in the crew list or server log.
  • Husks now ignore incapacitated characters. They also know how to crouch to reach stunned/ragdolled characters lying on the floor.
  • Improved the waypoint generator.
  • Added store-specific Daily Specials and Requested Goods that change as the game progresses: Daily Specials are cheaper to buy and Requested Goods are more profitable to sell.
  • Added store-specific price variance: every store has its own small price factor that affects all item prices.
  • Hammerhead spawns are no longer afraid of being shot with sub's turrets. They also try to get in more aggressively.
  • Readjusted the flame particle positions on the welding tool and the plasma cutter.
  • Lowered the electrical skill required for wiring oxygen tank shelves and diving suit lockers.
  • Mission cargo items are now marked with the red hand item. Taking them is considered stealing.
  • Added glowsticks.
  • Added an option to change the text scale.


  • Bots report ballast flora when they see it.
  • Bots operating turrets now report what they see. They also call "firing" a bit less frequently.
  • Bots using a coilgun/railgun report which kind of enemies they see.
  • Fixed medics sometimes not letting go of the character they're treating after running out of medical items.
  • Fixed medics not ignoring targets that they can't heal, because they don't have the items for it, which caused the medics to be trapped in a looping behavior.
  • Outpost NPCs can arrest or kill players who try to cause leaks in the outpost.
  • Changes to how the bots operate repair tools, so that they won't fail so easily when the water forces kick in.
  • Bots (only the crew) now tolerate a bit more damage from repair tools before reacting.
  • Bots should now properly respect ignored targets also when they are already targeting the item when you tell them to ignore it.
  • Fixed bots not equipping diving gear when the oxygen level is low and there is no leaks/water in the hull, causing them to suffocate.
  • Fixed bots "forgetting" autonomous operate (operate reactor or steer) orders if the objectives happen to fail.
  • Fixed bots sometimes incorrectly abandoning a movement objective, when the path requires a diving gear.
  • Bots should now know how to get back inside through gaps in the hull.
  • Fixed NPCs not being able to repower the reactor if the player somehow manages to unpower it.
  • Bots now run when they are ordered to clean up things.
  • Bots now ignore mudraptor eggs (to not foil your evil plans by cleaning them up).
  • AI Pathing: Fixed a huge penalty given to stairs causing characters to choose weird paths to avoid stairs.
  • Fixed bots running towards a door when they can't find a path while following a target, which was not the intended behavior. The bots should now stop moving and wait in place instead.
  • Fixed docking port not always being properly connected to a door, causing a missing link between the waypoints and making it impossible for the bots to access the port on some subs. The accepted distance is now relative to the docking port's sprite's height so that all doors inside the sprite should be treated as close enough. Additionally you can manually link a door to a docking port in the sub editor.
  • Fixed bots thinking that they need a diving suit to access certain drones/airlocks on subs that the creator haven't manually removed the waypoints on the ladders outside the airlock door. There's no need to remove those waypoints anymore, although it shouldn't matter if you do.
  • Bots should now always heal players when ordered to. They still use a threshold for targeting other bots, but it's now slightly higher (90 instead of 85). This only applies when the bots are ordered, not when they act on their own.
  • Bots now speak about not having any targets after a 3 sec delay. Fixes bots sometimes complaining that there's no targets even when there are.
  • Fixed bots not properly ignoring non-interactable containers.
  • Fixed bots dropping off from ladders when they first try to go up using a ladder and then down using another ladder right next to the first ladder. Happened especially in Kastrull.
  • Fixed bots taking items from mission cargo containers (e.g. clean up or rescue).
  • Fixed bots not properly checking the line of sight while trying to extinguish fires.
  • Bots don't anymore drop empty oxygen tanks in the sea, if they have room in the inventory.
  • Bots should now take oxygen tanks with less than 80% either to an oxygen generator or an oxygen tank shelf. Secondary places for non-empty tanks are the diving and the supply cabinets.
  • Bots should now take battery cells with less than 80% to a battery or charging dock (added "batterycellrecharger" tag for these items).
  • Bots don't yell anymore that they need more oxygen when they are running out of oxygen and have a non-empty oxygen tank(s) in their inventory.
  • Fixed bots not respecting the Wait order inside ruins.
  • Bots now shoot ice spires when the sub is moving towards them or if they are very close to the turret.
  • Bots steering the sub now report ice spires they spot on the sonar.
  • Bots now switch batteries when operating scooters. They also unequip the scooter if they run out of batteries, instead of just swimming with it.
  • Bots now know how to switch batteries to the stun baton.
  • Bots don't drop empty welding tanks or ammunition in the sea anymore, if they have room in the inventory.
  • Fixed bots not shooting through turrets that block the line of sight.


  • Fixed mods not being sorted correctly until changing the order through the settings.
  • Fixed mod load order not being restored correctly when leaving a server.
  • Status effect definition attributes are now case insensitive.
  • TriggerEvent in StatusEffects now supports inline events and the event tags have been renamed to "statuseffecttarget" and "statuseffectentity".
  • Added support for defining a contextual name for an order (e.g. "Wait" and "Wait Here").
  • Added support for IntegerInput elements (with "min" and "max" attributes) for the CustomInterface component.
  • Option to define character variants that override some parts of another character. See the "Content/Characters/Variants" folder for some usage examples.
  • Fixed a number of crashes in custom repair tools, especially if they operate on their own without requiring a user.
  • Added "needsair" attribute to husk affliction, when set to true it disables low oxygen resistance granted by husk affliction.
  • Fixed crashing when a StatusEffect targets a removed limb.
  • Fixed conditional "And" comparisons not always working correctly when targeting items (the conditional needed to be true on the item and all it's components).
  • Added support for overriding textures on character variants. Only supports overriding the entire texture, not separate textures per limb.
  • Added support for overriding animations on character variants.
  • Added min and max conditions (in percentages) for preferred containers.
  • Added support for randomized deconstruction output: Deconstruct elements now support "chooserandom" and "amount" attributes, Item elements support "commonness" attribute.
  • Added ClearTagAction that removes the specified tag from the event.
  • Added CheckAfflictionAction that can be used to check if a character has an affliction.
  • Added "InWater" property to characters.
  • Planter component now triggers "OnPicked" status effects when interacted with.
  • Allow items with a kinematic physics body to have a connection panel component.
  • Fixed HasStatusTag conditionals only checking the first active status effect.
  • Fixed multiple characters spawning when a character infected with multiple different types of husk afflictions dies.


  • Fixed desync when entering a new level when there's a logbook with a very long message in the sub or in someone's inventory in the multiplayer campaign.
  • Fixed very large numbers of submarines in the "Submarines/Downloaded/" folder causing excessive loading times, freezes and high memory usage.
  • Delete submarines from Submarines/Downloaded when launching the game and hide downloaded subs from menus. The folder is now essentially a temporary folder for storing a server's submarines during a game session, not a place for persistent storage.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to "select matching items" when right-clicking a linked sub in the sub editor.
  • Fixed filename case issues and using backslashes instead of forward slashes in mod file paths causing errors on Linux and Mac.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to respawn a bot in the multiplayer campaign.
  • Fixed server list only showing up to 50 servers.
  • Fixed connections that have the same start and end location sometimes getting generated on the campaign map, leading to a crash when trying to load the campaign save.
  • Number input boxes don't clamp the value until the input box loses focus or enter is pressed. Fixes clamped values being very difficult to edit.
  • Fixed a crash in GetDisguisedSprites.
  • Mission events unlock the mission even if the conversation gets interrupted.
  • Fixed lights on turrets rotating around the origin of the item, not the origin of the barrel.
  • Fixed nav terminal's "velocity_in" input doing nothing.
  • Fixed newly placed coilguns and searchlights not rotating the light sprite in sub editor.
  • Fixed R-29 cargo lights not toggling on.
  • Fixed missing waypoints in Berilia.
  • Fixed docking ports' DockingDistance not being affected by the scale of the item.
  • Fixed KarmaManager's MaxStructureDamageKarmaDecreasePerSecond not working as intended, allowing karma to decrease more than it should when doing lots of structure damage in a short time (e.g. when using explosives).
  • Fixed engine's propeller hitbox not being moved or scaled when the engine is rescaled.
  • Fixed holes in walls becoming non-see-through when starting a new round in the campaign.
  • Fixed corrupted/invalid content packages whose xml file can't be loaded being added to the list of content packages, leading to a crash.
  • Fixed devices failing to receive power if connected directly to a docking port's power connection without a junction box or relay in between.
  • Fixed "disallowed upgrades" field not being taken into account in the upgrade UI when using prefab identifiers.
  • Fixed level generation sometimes failing to generate the complete path to the destination.
  • Fixes to docked subs being placed on the wrong side of the docking target in some cases (namely, when neither of the ports is connected to a door). Also added "ForceDockingDirection" setting to docking ports to enforce the direction if the automatic logic still fails due to some weird port setup.
  • Fixed "velocity invalid" error if a monster that's indoors eats a corpse that's outdoors or vice versa (e.g. if you drag a corpse through the airlock while a monster is eating it).
  • Fixed diving suit not giving any protection for radiation sickness.
  • Fixed conversation prompts not disappearing if the controlled character dies when executing subactions (for instance, when the clowns are approaching the players at the beginning of the "clown relations" event).
  • Fixed crashing when taking control of a black moloch with console commands.
  • Fixed character editor creating tiny limbs if the mouse cursor goes outside of the sprite sheet area when the user is drawing a new limb. Drawing new limbs is no longer restricted to the sprite sheet area (it still works in display screen space!).
  • Fixed husks and humanhusks targeting turrets when they are inside the submarine.
  • Fixed monsters sometimes choosing weird paths when the hulls are flooding.
  • Fixed assignment tooltip sometimes being displayed on command interface when it shouldn't be.
  • Fixed ability to open manual assignment for orders targeting all characters.
  • Fixed player characters' orders not being reset in between multiplayer rounds.
  • Fixed "unignore" icons being displayed in multiplayer.
  • Fixed crew list background blocking mouse input.
  • Fixed order icons being always displayed over container when the order target is contained.
  • Fixed CustomInterface component's UI text not reflecting the actual signal when changed by another player in multiplayer.
  • Fixed inconsistencies in meds when fired from a syringe gun.
  • Fixed thalamus spawning too many leucocytes in wrecks (particularly on higher difficulties).
  • Fixed ability to choose a campaign save filename that's illegal on Windows when hosting a server on Linux or Mac, preventing Windows players from joining the server.
  • Fixed workshop item download prompt not fitting on the screen when trying to join a server that has a large number of mods installed.
  • Fixed being able to hear ready check ticking when the popup wasn't visible.
  • Fixed an occasional lag following a crash when there's Spinelings present in the game (#4453).
  • Fixed autopilot trying to steer away from connected subs that aren't directly docked to the main sub (e.g. drone docked to a drone docked to the main sub).
  • Fixed a crash in the character editor when editing a limb's source with "adjust collider" enabled and if the source rect's size is zero or negative.
  • Fixed docking ports not locking client-side if hulls fail to generate between the ports (e.g. if the thing docking to the sub doesn't have hulls).
  • Fixed subs with a tall shuttle docked on top sometimes spawning partially inside the level's top wall.
  • Fixed melee weapons being able to hit through walls/doors as long as the origin of the item is on the same side of the wall/door as the user.
  • Fixed ballast flora jamming doors permanently if it dies while trying to drown a player in the ballast tank.
  • Fixed pets not spawning at the position of the owner.
  • Fixed rare "failed to generate a wall (not enough vertices)" error when generating a level.
  • Fixed ability to see inside secure steel crates without appropriate access by swapping them with a normal crate.
  • Fixed welded doors staying stuck and nav terminal not getting reset when redispatching a shuttle.
  • Fixed mudraptor shells spawning outside the mudraptor's inventory.
  • Fixed recovered shuttles disappearing if you quit during the round immediately after purchasing shuttle recovery in multiplayer campaign.
  • Fixed logbooks always spawning in the same cabinet in a given wreck.
  • Fixed items with a physics body disappearing when they are outside hulls during saving.
  • Fixed items attached to walls (e.g. signal components) deattaching when resetting them to prefab values in the sub editor.
  • Fixed characters that have been turned invisible by psychosis staying invisible when you switch to them.
  • Fixed crashing when selecting a client who's controlling a monster in the tab menu.
  • Fixed "where no man has gone before" achievement being impossible to unlock due to the depth being calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed submarine switching deleting all upgrades in multiplayer.
  • Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch often not being able to break the sub's walls when hitting it.
  • Fixed Hammerhead Matriarch's head deforming incorrectly (this fix may affect any modded content using conditional sprites with deformations).
  • Fixed crash in sub editor when copying a linked submarine that you lacked the original file to.
  • Fixed turrets and searchlights having incorrect light rotation when minimum rotation limit was the same as maximum rotation limit.
  • Fixed popup messages preventing you from steering on the navigation terminal.
  • Fixed inability to start a server when there's a very large number of subs installed.
  • Fixed XP messages flying away when inside a moving sub.