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LeeGod edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 6 revisions

This is a very quick introduction for people who are interested in the module structure

Structures and Parts


Platform is the core of fairy framework for each platforms, it may not exactly specify for a platform:

  • core - The universal core that will be used everywhere, Containers, EventBus, Plugins are all inside. every other platforms will inherit this platform.
  • mc - The universal platform for minecraft server related platform.
  • bukkit - The platform for Bukkit related platform, working for any server software that uses bukkit as it base. inherit from mc platform.
  • app - The platform for independent java application.


Module is the external module that will be used for plugins/apps that uses fairy framework, for example storage for Database storage such as MySQL, Mongo etc

  • Modules will be externalized, you need to specify what module you want in fairy gradle plugin.
  • Modules will not be shaded into your compiled jar. instead it will download it self on boot.
  • Modules will be remapped, and a remapped jar will be cached in plugin's folder. Plugin compiled jar will pre-remap the module on compile.
Module Description Version
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Internal Naming and Files

  • io.fairyproject.platforms

    • Every platform gradle module should be named <platformName>-platform
  • io.fairyproject.bootstraps

    • Every platform gradle module should be named <platformName>-bootstrap
    • The core bootstrap is an exception which it calls bootstrap in the naming. may be changed in future
  • io.fairyproject.modules

    • Every universal module should be named module.<moduleName>
    • Every platform specified module should be placed inside parent folder platform.<platformName>
      • Gradle module should be named as <platformName>-<moduleName>.
      • For example: bukkit-items is a bukkit platform specific module, so it's inside platform.bukkit and named bukkit-items.
    • Every multi-platform module should have a parent folder named as module.<moduleName>
      • Each platform should be named as <platformName>-<moduleName> and place inside the parent folder.
      • For original universal module it should be named as core-<moduleName>.
      • For example storage is a universal module, but for bukkit platform it has some extensive functions, so it's named for parent folder, and universal module is core-storage, and bukkit module is bukkit-storage.
      • Parent folder should not have it own build.gradle, instead it should have a parent.gradle and have the module version here.
      • Each sub module shouldn't have it own versioning, it will inherit from parent.gradle by having apply from: "$parent.projectDir/parent.gradle" on top of the build.gradle.
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