Experiment directory:
Put personal analysis code in usr/Shared, e.g. for user "amorgan"
Put any analysis files (bigger than a few megabytes) in /scratch:
- VDS: virtual h5 files that put all processed module data into a single cxi file.
- e.g.
sbatch --array=5 offline/slurm/vds_array.sh
to generate a vds file for run 5 from processed data.
- e.g.
- Generate powder pattern
- e.g.
sbatch --array=40 offline/slurm/powder_sum_array.sh
to sum all frames in run 40 using vds file.
- e.g.
- Get initial geometry (and test with extra-geom)
- There is a
crystFEL geom file (probably from Oleksandr). - To have a look
python tests/test_geom.py
(output below)
- There is a
- Jungfrau mask maker
- Example
python offline/tools/maskmaker.py /gpfs/exfel/exp/SPB/202302/p004456/scratch/powder/powder_r0040.h5/data
- Example
- Calculate number, location and intensity of streaks
- Example
sbatch --array=40 offline/slurm/streak_finder.sh
. This outputs an "events" file here:h5ls -r /p004456/scratch/events/events_r0040.h5 / Group /litpixels Dataset {6066} /streak_list Dataset {80173/Inf} /streaks Dataset {6066} /total_intens Dataset {6066}
- Example
- Generate streakogram, and virtual powder from above
- Example
python offline/streaks_powder_plotter.py -e "/gpfs/exfel/u/scratch/SPB/202302/p004456/events/events_r0040.h5" -g "/gpfs/exfel/exp/XMPL/201750/p700000/proc/r0040/j4m-p2805_v03.geom"
will createevents_r0040.streaks_powder_plot.png
in folder/gpfs/exfel/u/scratch/SPB/202302/p004456/events/
- Example
- Save hits to cxi file
- Write cxi file from scan runs, for the purpose of speckle-tracking
- It seems Margarita already has a means of streaming scan data, with a modified scan log, to the ST software. It would be nice to include this code here.