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Excel and ODS Spreadsheet to CSV Converter

Version MIT License Build

pl-office-convert is a ChRIS ds plugin which converts Excel and OpenOffice spreadsheet file formats (*.{xls,xlsx,ods}) to the plaintext comma-separated values (*.csv) format.


In pl-office-convert version 0.0.1 there are no options. Every file in inputdir/ ending with .ods, .xlsx, or .xls gets processed and written to outputdir/ by the same filename but with its file extension replaced with .csv. Every other file in inputdir/ is simply duplicated to outputdir/.

WARNING: only the first sheet of every file is converted!

singularity exec docker:// office_convert incoming/ outgoing/

Planned Features

This plugin will eventually be a generic office format converter, being able to convert both ways from office file format to plaintext and vice versa. But for now it is a simple single-purpose program.