VAXPRED aims to improve the field of vaccine development supplying a cloud-based system where researchers can run simulations to generate predictions that assess the efficacy of immune responses against pathogens. These tools are provided through plugins that can be chosen accordingly to the experiment ran by the researcher, in a cloud-based store that we are developing. More details about the product can be found in the product management documentation.
Instructions on how to use this system: TODO.
Complete project documentation can be generated with Compodoc
. See the README for more details.
The guidelines for the project are present here: guidelines.
Instructions on how to develop the system, including how to build, run and test it in a development environment, as well as details about the technical vision can be found in the development documentation.
Instructions on how to run and operate the system in a production environment can be found in the application's main README.
Link to the factsheets of each team and of each team-member.