Triangular plotting and diagnostics for FESOM2 + command line utility similar to fdiag using plotting suite of [email protected] (former fesom2/view_pscholz folder). Data reading got updated to xarray, plotting got updated to cartopy, actually works well for python=3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 (python 3.8 made recently some problems to resolve all the cartopy dependencies). It is tested up to dart mesh size (3M surface vertices) where it allows for a decent working speed (but only when used in parallel)
version: 0.3.0
In moment only possible by source files using pip:
git clone
make sure your conda environment uses python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 or 3.12 (conda create --name py39 python=3.9; conda activate py39)
# -netcdf4>=1.6.1 can be used now, there were problems with the thread safety of
# netcdf4 (occured especially on albedo), there was a workaround with
# dask.config.set(scheduler="single-threaded") to ensure that each worker only
# gets one thread
# -install libstdcxx-ng with conda since there is no pip package for it is needed
# so that pyvista is able to plot interactively
# -all other packages will be automatically installed by pip
conda install -c conda-forge libstdcxx-ng
cd tripyview
pip install -e .
# On my laptop i had problems with the classic notebook support beyond jupyter_server==2.0.0
# and had to downgrade it to jupyter_server<2.0.0. However on HPC albedo that did not
# seems to be the case.
(pip install "jupyter_server<2.0.0")
It is recommented to leave the template_notebooks unaltered since they are needed by the tripyrun (papermill)
batch diagnostic. If you want to work on them simply copy them to the ./notebook folder.
- plot horizontal fesom2 mesh in various projections (plot: mesh, topographie, vertice/element- resolution and area)
- plot horizontal slices for ocean variable (compute depth and time averages)hslice_np
- plot horizontal slices for ocean variable north polar stereographic projectionhslice_sp
- plot horizontal slices for ocean variable south polar stereographic projectionhslice_clim
- plot horizontal slices of temperature, salinity and density climatology (compute depth and time averages)hslice_clim_np
- plot horizontal slices of temperature, salinity and density climatology in north polar stereographic projectionhslice_clim_sp
- plot horizontal slices of temperature, salinity and density climatology in south polar stereographic projectionhslice_isotdep
- plot horizontal slices of depth of distinct isotherm (default: 12°C isotherm)hslice_quiver
- plot horizontal slices of scalar ocean variable and overlay quiver vector information from regular gridded coarse grained velocity datahslice_streaml
- plot horizontal slices of scalar ocean variable and overlay streamline information from regular gridded coarse grained velocity data
- plot horizontal slices of variables in the channel configuration (provide routine to make channel movie)
- plot horizontal arrow vector field in various projections
- plot point wise transects of 3d ocean variablestransect_clim
- plot point wise transects of 3d temperature, salinity and density climatologytransect_transp
- plot volume transport through arbitrary transectstransect_transp_t
- plot time-series of volume transport through arbitrary transectstransect_hflx
- plot heat transport through arbitrary transectstransect_hflx_t
- plot time-series of heat transport through arbitrary transectstransect_zmean
- plot zonally averaged transects of 3d ocean variablestransect_zmean_clim
- plot zonally averaged transects of 3d temperature, salinity and density climatology
- plot lines for averaged vertical profile of 3d ocean variablesvprofile_clim
- plot lines for averaged vertical profile of 3d temperature, salinity and density climatology
- plot hovmöller diagrams for 3d ocean variable over depth and time averaged over specific region that is defined by shapefile (see. tripyview/shapefiles/...) -
- plot hovmöller diagrams for temperature, salinity and density climatology over depth and time averaged over specific region that is defined by shapefile (see. tripyview/shapefiles/...) -
- plots time-series of globally or shapefile (see. tripyview/shapefiles/...) averaged 2d and 3d variables
- plot meridional overturning circulation from vertical velocity (based on latitudinal binning), Globally, for the: Atlantic(amoc), Atlantic+Arctic(aamoc), Pacific(pmoc), Pacific+Indian Ocean(ipmoc) and Indian Ocean(imoc)
- plot time-series of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at specific latitudes (default: which_lats: [26, 40, 'max']) -
- plot meridional overturning circulation in density coordinates using FESOM2 density MOC diagnostics (gratitude goes to [email protected]), Globally, for the: Atlantic(amoc), Atlantic+Arctic(aamoc), Pacific(pmoc), Pacific+Indian Ocean(ipmoc) and Indian Ocean(imoc) -
- plot surface transformation of meridional overturning circulation in density coordinates -
- plot inner transformation of meridional overturning circulation in density coordinates
- plot meridional overturning circulation in density coordinates remapped into z-coordinate space
- plot diapycnal velocity for specific water-class -
- plot surface buoyancy flux transformation for specific water-class -
- plot time-series of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in density coordinates at specific latitudes (default: which_lats: [26, 55, 'max']) -
- plot horizontal barotropic streamfunction -
- plots global meridional heat flux computed from surface heatfluxes fh -
- plots global meridional heat flux computed from the the turbulent fluxes tempv, tempu -
- plots global zonal heat flux computed from the the turbulent fluxes tempv, tempu
- plot automatised figure multi-panels depending on number of chosen datasets and number of panel columns ncol (the panel arrangement uses ideas from [email protected])
- plot 3d model of FESOM grid with variables using pyvista interface. Full functionality can be only achieved with jupyter-lab (<4.0)
make 3D animations
tripyrun <workflowfile.yml>
- command line diagnostics similar to fdiag (fdiag, served as a template, gratitude go to [email protected]), creates html files with linked plots. -
tripyrun <workflowfile.yml> -d <driver>
- re-run one specific driver from .yml file -
tripyrun <workflowfile.yml> -d <driver> -v <var1 var2 ...>
- re-run specific variable subset of one specific driver driver from .yml file -
tripyrun <workflowfile.yml> -r
- for the case the diagnostic did not fully finish you can render the html file from hand based on the saved json file. The json file is update after each finished driver section.
If you use the package please give the package or the author some credit.