Henry @hrmstockdale
Rohan @RohanSSS
Banna @bantek89
Kate @dubhcait
Our task was to create a single page website that accessed two different api's, and used them to render information on the page utilising the DOM. It's live here
The Api's we decided to use were the pokeApi and a horoscope api.
We collected inspiration for the website design with the aide of Figma.Our design centred around the pokemon pokedex.
We had to look at a few api's to do the horoscrope, and we ended up having to abandon the one we were originally going to use becuase it wasn't working.
- git clone
- cd into the file
npm i
to install dependencies- you can run tests with
npm test
One of our api's used http while github pages uses https, this means that the browser will automatically block the api. We have prevented this from being an issue through the use of CORS
-problems with respect to scope re eventListener function - JSON object only "existed" in the GET request - so we concluded that we needed to do all our DOM functionality within the scope of said request
- Query Selector is superior most of the time
- but, re elems we created we ended up needed a live node list.
- callbacks within callbacks
- testing with api's is not a thing
- callbacks, writing functions with callbacks
- getting better at writing more modular code + writing handler functions
- allowing the user to enter their date of birth
- allowing users to select the generation of the pokemon they are given
- showing both type and subtype of the pokemon
- assigning multiple types to certain star signs so that all pokemon types can be gotten ✔️