Connecting businesses and students through freelancing
The Groundworks platform enables businesses to assign projects to student freelancers to complete remotely.
We match our clients’ requirements with the best suited profile from our network of university students, providing companies with an extra pair of hands while they build working relationships with potential future employees.
New Technologies, etc TBA.
Met with product owner, reviewed previous design work from Red Academy
Technical meeting, decided tech stack:
- HTML, CSS, SASS, React with Context API
- Node, Express, Axios
- MongoDB, Mongoose
- Webpack, Babel from scratch
- Jest, Travis CI, Supertest, React testing library
- ESLint
- Heroku
- Stretch goals: Formik, Passport
Assigned Project Roles:
- Scrum Master: James
- QA: Ryan
- UX/UI: John
- DevOps: Dylan
Whiteboard Wireframe TBA
Created mobile path/flow
Created prototype for additional missing pages:
- Employer Dashboard
- Employer and Student Match pages
Mobile Wireframe TBA
Decided on endpoints for front-end
Tested Webpack/Babel/React config