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PolyXSim input

osholm edited this page Mar 30, 2022 · 2 revisions


The input to PolyXSim is given as an ascii file. The file can be given any name.
An example of an input file can be found here?.
A detailed definition of the experimental setup and parameters are given in [file:Geometry_version_1.0.7.pdf].

The input is given by a set of input keywords followed by one or several values dependent on the type of keyword specified.
The ordering of the keywords is irrelevant.

The syntax is as follows

  • keyword values [units]

Followed by an input example:

keyword value                    # some explanation

if the value is a string in should be given in quotation marks 'value'

keyword 'value'                  # string values should en enclosed by quotation marks

if the value is a numeric number the format is free.

keyword 10
keyword 10.0
keyword 1e1
keyword 10**1
keyword 20/2.0

anything goes - or almost anything!


Beam specs

  • wavelength wavelength [Å]

  • beam_width width-of-beam [mm]

  • beamflux beam-flux [photons/sec/mm^2]

  • beampol_factor polarisation-factor-of-beam [fraction]

  • beampol_direct direction-of-polarisation-with-respect-to-roation-axis [degrees]

    wavelength 0.24344 # wavelength in Angstrom beam_width 0.8 # Beam width (mm) # If no beam width is specified it is assumed that the entire sample # width is illuminated beamflux 1e13 # Beam flux (Ph/s/mm2) beampol_factor 1.0 # Beam polarisation factor: 1 = fully plane polarised, 0 = unpolarised beampol_direct 0.0 # Direction of the normal to the plane of the primary beam polarisation # with respect to the sample rotation axis (degrees) e.g. if the omega # rotation axis is parallel to the laboratory z-axis the value is # 0.0 degrees and if along y-axis it is 90.0 degrees

Detector specification e.g. Frelon2K non-binned specs below

Beam center on detector -

  • dety_center beam-center-in-y-direction [pixels]

  • detz_center beam-center-in-y-direction [pixels]

    dety_center 1023.5 # beamcenter, y in pixel coordinates detz_center 1023.5 # beamcenter, z in pixel coordinates

Detector pixel size -

  • y_size pixel-size-y-direction [mm]

  • z_size pixel-size-z-direction [mm]

    y_size         0.04677648        # Pixel size y (mm)
    z_size         0.04808150        # Pixel size z (mm)

Detector size -

  • dety_size detector-size-y-direction [pixels]

  • detz_size detector-size-z-direction [pixels]

    dety_size   2048.0               # detector y size (pixels)
    detz_size   2048.0               # detector z size (pixels)

Distance from sample to detector -

  • distance distance-sample-to-detector [mm]

    distance      55.0               # sample-detector distance (mm)

Detector tilts -

  • tilt_x tilt-of-detector-ccw-around-x-axis [radians]
  • tilt_y tilt-of-detector-ccw-around-y-axis [radians]
  • tilt_z tilt-of-detector-ccw-around-z-axis [radians]

The order of the tilts is RxRyRz, thus the tilt (rotation) about z is performed first, then about y and finally about x.

tilt_x 0.0      # detector tilt counterclockwise around laboratory x axis (beam direction) in radians
tilt_y 0.01     # detector tilt counterclockwise around laboratory y axis in radians
tilt_z 0.0      # detector tilt counterclockwise around laboratory z axis (same as omega axis) in radians

OBS: If diffraction images are to be formed it is also possible to simulate detector point spread, background and noise. See below.

Detector orientation -
Two things determine the detector orientation: 1. How it is mounted in the beam line setup and 2. How the device server reads out the image.
To get the image in the standard FABLE geometry a orientation matrix o can be specifed:

    o = [o11 o21]
        [o21 o22]

(see this document: [file:Geometry_version_1.0.7.pdf])

There are eight possible o matrices for the eight possible orientations.

  • o11 element-in-orientation-matrix [-1,0,1]

  • o12 element-in-orientation-matrix [-1,0,1]

  • o21 element-in-orientation-matrix [-1,0,1]

  • o22 element-in-orientation-matrix [-1,0,1]

    o11  1               # Frelon2k, Frelon4m detector orientation
    o12  0               #
    o21  0               #
    o22 -1               #

OBS: In principle the choice of matrix does not matter - only if you want to get the images in the same orientation as what you get on a specific setup.
Remember the values given here has to be the same if analysing the data in ImageD11.

Background -
A constant background can be added to the diffraction images using:

  • bg number_of_counts

    bg 100                # Add 100 counts to background

Noise -
Random Poisson noise can be added to the diffraction images using:

  • noise flag [0= no noise, 1= add Poisson noise]

    noise 1               # Add Poisson noise

Detector point spread -
A Gaussian detector point spread can be simulated in the diffraction images by specifying the FWHM of the point spread in pixels:

  • psf fwhm [in pixels]

    psf 2                 # Add Gaussian detector point spread with a FWHM of 2 pixel

Spatial distortion -
Spatial distortion of the detector can be taken into account by specifying the corresponding spline. The spots will not be deformed due to the operation, but merely the center position of the peak is distorted.

  • spatial spline file

    spatial 'frelon4m.spline'          # Add spatial distortion of frelon4m detector

Omega scan range, step size and speed

Omega scan range -

  • omega_start start-omega-value-of-scan [degrees]

  • omega_end end-omega-value-of-scan [degrees]

    omega_start  -45.0             # Minimum Omega in range of interest (in deg)
    omega_end     45.0             # Maximum Omega in range of interest (in deg)

Omega step size -

  • omega_step omega_step_size_of_each_frame [degrees]

    omega_step     1.0             # Omega step size (in deg)

Omega rotation direction -

  • omega_sign omega_rotation_direction [+1/-1]

    omega_sign     1               # Sign of omega rotation (cw = +1, ccw = -1)

The above omega specifications will create (omega_end - omega_start)/omega_step images, and the first image will be centered at omega_start + 0.5*omega_step.
In the file header Omega will be set to the midpoint of the rotation interval for the frame.

Wedge angle of omega axis - (NB! not fully tested yet)
The angle between the omega rotation axis and the z-laboratory axis in the plane of x and z, i.e. if 0 the rotation axis is perfectly aligned with the z-axis. Hence the rotation of the rotation axis about the y-axis (left-handed).

  • wedge wedge_angle [degrees]

    wedge          0.023           # wedge of omega rotation axis (in deg)

Crystal/grain parameters

Grain/crystal number in sample to be simulated

  • no_grains number-of-simulated-grains

    no_grains 10 # Total number of grains summed over all phases to be simulated # This number needs to match the number of e.g. U_grains_X keywords

Grain phase

The phase of the individual grains can be specified or appointed by PolyXSim. If you want to let the PolyXSim appoint which grain belongs to which phase the following keyword can be used.

  • gen_phase flag [0= do not, or 1= do] phase-id no-of-grains-of-this-id ...... phase-id no-of-grains-of-this-id

So if choosing to randomly appoint the phase a list of phase id's each succeded by the number of grains of the present phase.
An example with three phases with id'd 0,1 and 2:

gen_phase 1 0 10 1 20 2 5 # 10 grains with phase 0, 20 grains having phase 1, and 5 grains with phase 2

Naturally the number of grains should match the number of grains specified with keyword no_grains
Alternatively the phase id of each phase can be specified

  • phase_grains__X_ phase-id-of-grain

where X is the grain id number.

Grain orientations

Can be either randomly generated, or specific orientation matrices can be input by the user.

  • gen_U flag [0= do not, or 1= do]

If flag=1 then no_grains random orientations will be generated

gen_U 1                    # Generate orientations
  • U_grains__X_ U11 U12 U13 U21 U22 U23 U31 U32 U33 (X is an integer number)

X needs to be integer - its used to make certain that a grain orientation is correctly matched with its position, size etc.

U_grains_0 -0.888246 0.411253 -0.204671 -0.201101 -0.748709 -0.631659 -0.413011 -0.519909 0.747741
U_grains_1 -0.158282 -0.986955 0.029458 -0.929214 0.158978 0.333597 -0.333929 0.025430 -0.942255

Grain positions

Can be either randomly generated or specific positions can be input by the user.

  • gen_pos flag1 [0= do not, or 1= do] flag2 [0= all at (0,0,0), 1= generate randomly within box or cylinder]

If flag1=1 no_grains random positions will be generated

gen_pos 1 1                   # Generate random positions within box or cylinder

The function of gen_pos is dependent on other keywords (or lack of keywords). For generation of a position different from (0,0,0) one of the keywords sample_cyl or sample_xyz should be given in order define the borders of the sample area.

  • pos_grains__X_ x y z [mm] (X is an integer number)

X needs to be integer - its used to make certain that a grain position is correctly matched with its orientation, size etc.

pos_grains_0 0 0 0
pos_grains_1 0.01 -0.05 0.2

The sample can be specified to have either cylindrical or box shape:

  • sample_cyl diameter height (dimensions given in mm)
  • sample_xyz x_dimension y_dimension z_dimension (all in mm)

Only one of sample_cyl and sample_xyz can be given. If no beam_width is given it is assumed that the entire width of the sample is illuminated.

sample_cyl 0.8 0.1                   # Cylindrical sample shape
sample_xyz 0.5 0.5 0.5               # Box shaped sample

Grain strains

Can be either randomly generated, or specific strains can be input by the user. Note that the strain tensor is given in the Cartesian grain coordinate system, which for each grain is related to the overall sample system via the grain specific orienation matrix U.

  • gen_eps flag [0= do not, or 1= do] mean-value-for-diagonal-elemets-of-strain-tensor spread-for-diagonal-elements-of-strain-tensor mean-value-for-offdiagonal-elemets-of-strain-tensor spread-for-offdiagonal-elements-of-strain-tensor

If flag=1 then no_grains strain tensors with with elements from a normal distribution with the specified mean and spread will be generated

gen_eps 1 0 0.001 0 0            # Generate random diagonal strain tensors

if a multiphase material is simulated using the above keyword the strain for all grain independt of phase will be generated with the same distribution. It is also possible to have different distributions for every phase.

  • gen_eps_phase_Y flag [0= do not, or 1= do] mean-value-for-diagonal-elemets-of-strain-tensor spread-for-diagonal-elements-of-strain-tensor mean-value-for-offdiagonal-elemets-of-strain-tensor spread-for-offdiagonal-elements-of-strain-tensor

Y being the phase number id

gen_eps_phase_0 1 0 0.001 0 0            # Generate random diagonal strain tensors
gen_eps_phase_1 1 0 0.02 0 0.01

The strain tensors can also been specifically input for every grain (OBS: Currently there is a bug - see this to make to sure it is working)

  • eps_grains__X_ eps11 eps12 eps13 eps22 eps23 eps33 (X is an integer number)

X needs to be integer - its used to make certain that the strain tensor of the grain is correctly matched with its position, size etc.

eps_grains_0 0.001 0.0015 -0.005 0 0 0
eps_grains_1 0.001 -0.005 0.002 0.006 -0.005 -0.001

Grain sizes

Again these can either be user supplied or generated by PolyXSim. The grain sizes will be simulated having a log-normal distribution with a specified median grain size and optionally the distribution tails can be cut off. If only one phase is to be simulated or one wishes to use the same grain distribution for all structural phase the following keyword can be used to specific the distribution

  • gen_size flag [0= do not, or 1= do] median-grain-size-of-distribution [mm] minimum-grain-size [mm] maximum-grain-size [mm]

OBS - if value median-grain-size-of-distribution is negative the grain size of all grains will be the value of the median.

gen_size 1 0.05 0.01 0.25        # median grain size for log normal distribution,
                                 # min and max cutoffs for the grain size distribution

Different grain size distributions can be used for the different phase (if more than one are present). This is specified as follows

  • gen_size_phase_Y flag [0= do not, or 1= do] median-grain-size-of-distribution [mm] minimum-grain-size [mm] maximum-grain-size [mm]

where Y again is the phase number id.
So the input can look like this for two or more phases,

gen_size_phase_0 1 0.05 0.010 0.25     # median grain size for log normal distribution,
                                      # min and max cutoffs for the grain size distribution

gen_size_phase_1 1 0.02 0.005 0.05     # median grain size for log normal distribution,
                                      # min and max cutoffs for the grain size distribution

Or the grain size of each grain can be specified

  • size_grains__X_ grain-diameter [mm]

    size_grains_0 0.04
    size_grains_1 0.06

Structural parameters

It is possible to simulate both mono- and multiphase polycrystalline samples.

If there is no interest in the actual peak intensities - only the unit cell and space group have to be specified.

  • unit_cell_phase_Y a [Å] b [Å] c [Å] alpha [°] beta [°] gamma [°] , Y being the phase number id


  • sgno_phase_Y number-of-space-group, Y being the phase number id


  • sgname_phase_Y name-of-space-group, Y being the phase number id

Presently only the standard space groups can be used, i.e. P 21/n is for example not a possibility. The exception is for rhombohedral space groups where both the standard hexagonal setting and the rhombohedral can be used. If sgname_phase_Y begins and starts with the letter r or R, the rhombohedral setting is applied. Alternatively one can supply the keyword cell_setting_phase_Y with the value rhombohedral to choose this setting.

unit_cell_phase_0  8.531200 4.832100 10.125000 90.000000 92.031000 90.000000
sgno_phase_0  4               # space group number
sgname_phase_0 'P21'          # remember to put quotation marks around the string
if more phases the next set will then have the keywords unit_cell_phase_1, sgno_phase_1 etc.

OBS: If monophase materails are simulated the old keyword (i.e. without _phase_Y ) can still used.

If 'real' intensities are to be calculated the structural parameters can either be supplied as a cif file or a pdb file.

  • structure_phase_Y structure-file-name [the file can either be a .pdb or a .cif file] Y being the phase number id

    structure_phase_0 'glycine.cif'

Again if a monophase is simulated the old keyword - structure_file - can be used instead.

If a structure file has information about unit cell and/or space group, these parameter will be chosen over parameters introduced with the keywords unit_cell and/or sgno.

File names and formats

Directory to save output from PolyXSim -

  • direc directory-name

If the specified directory does not exist it will be created.

direc 'simulation_glycine'

Name stem -
The base of all out put files

  • stem name-stem

i.e. image files will get the names name-stem_frame0001.edf etc.

stem 'glycine'

File formats to output -
There is a number of files which will be made by default. Whether one likes it or not. But the simulated reflections can be out put in different file formats if requested. What can be chosen

  1. '.edf' or '.tif' - presently the two supported diffraction image formats
  2. '.ref' - reflection files (one per grain) having all the information about the reflections.
  3. '.flt' - a peak file of the same format as output by ImageD11 peaksearch and can be loaded in ImageD11_gui
  4. '.gve' - a g-vector file. Where the peaks are transformed into scattering vectors (g-vectors). This file can be used for indexing in either GrainSpotter or ImageD11- index
  5. '.ini' - an input file for indexing with GrainSpotter using the .gve file is written. It will then be possible to try the GrainSpotter indexing program imidiately.
  6. '.ubi' - grain orientations as inv(U*B)
  7. '.par' - the input parameters for PolyXSim written in the par format of ImageD11

The output files are specified as one after the other in the following manner

  • output format1' 'format2' ......_ _

    output '.edf' '.ref' '.flt' '.gve' '.ubi' '.par' # We want the full treat

Peak intensities

The total peak intensity can be either be a

  1. constant value, or
  2. based on the structure factor of the reflections

The following keyword is used to control this choice

  • intensity_const constant_intensity_value [counts]

if the value is zero (0) the structure factor squared are used to calculate the intensities. Otherwise the value given will be the total intensity.

In the calculation of the intensity the effects of

  1. the Lorentz factor and/or
  2. the beam polarisation factor

can also be taken into account using

  • lorentz_apply flag [0=do not,1=do]
  • beampol_apply flag [0=do not,1=do]

Peak shapes

Currently only three different peak shapes/profiles are available

  • peakshape type

Depending on the chosen type more parameters can be added after type. Type can be

  • 0 - spike peaks
  • 1 - Gaussian peak shape (isotropic), and Gaussian rocking curve (spread along omega)
  • 2 - peak shape calculated from a grain orientation distribution function

Below these three types are documented in more detail.

Spike peak

A square 2-by-2 spike peak

  • peakshape 0

    peakshape 0

Gaussian peaks

Spot with one FWHM in the y and z detector directions (in pixels) and another in ω (degress)

  • peakshape 1 spot-full-width-half-maximum[pixels] spot-rocking-curve [degrees]

    peakshape 1 2 0.2 # Make the Gaussian peak, peak FWHM in pixels, peakwsig FWHM in omega (in deg)

Orientation spread dependent peaks

Use the 'real' orientation spread of the crystal (mosaicity). OBS - This will not smear intensity in the 2theta direction.
NB: Only one common ODF can presently be used for all grains irrespective of phase.

peakshape 2          # Make peak spread from orientation distribution function

There is two possibilities of providing/defining an orientation distribution function (ODF)

  • odf_type type-code [1,2, or 3]

1. The simplest one is to give to ODF as a isotropic Gaussian mosaic spread

  • odf_type 1

the mosaicity is then given by the keyword:

  • mosaicity mosaic-spread [degrees]

Optionally a scale of the ODF grid can be given - by default it is given a value of half the anguler size of a pixel having the smallest angular dimension.

  • odf_scale grid_voxel_size [degrees]

    odf_type 1
    mosaicity 0.2        # The mosaic spread in degrees

If no odf_type or mosaicity the values above will be used by default.

2. The other is to give the ODF as voxelated grid defined in Rodrigues space. The ODF has to read from a file with the format

  • odt_type 2

  • odf_file odf-data-file [file format]

    odf_type 2
    odf_file 'my_odf.odf'

Gaussian peaks in 2theta, eta, omega

Spot with Gaussian shape along 2theta, eta and omega with three separate FWHM's all given in degrees.

  • peakshape 3 fwhm_2theta[deg] fwhm_eta[deg] spot-rocking-curve [deg]

    peakshape 3 0.02 0.5 0.2 # Make the Gaussian peak, peak FWHM 0.02 deg in 2theta, 0.5 deg in eta (deformed) and 0.2 deg in omega.