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Eyevinn Test Adserver

The Eyevinn Test Adserver is an adserver that can be used in different testing contexts. Examples of use cases:

  • Ad server for testing server-side ad-insertion (SSAI) stitching as the VAST response always contains ads and creatives.
  • Verify what query parameters are passed from the client device through the SSAI component as it stores all received query parameters for a request (session).
  • Verify that client devices implement correct tracking as the VAST response contains tracking URLs back to the test ad server. All tracked events for a session is stored and can be obtained by the API.

This component is released under open source and we are happy for contributions!


  • Node v12+


Right now the test-adserver uses in-memory storage for all its data, no external database is required.

In a future update, we will add support for persistent storage using PostgreSQL. Other databases can be used also, as long as they follow the same implementation steps that of the coming PostgreSQL example.


  • git clone
  • cd test-adserver
  • npm install, then
  • npm start to run the server.
  • npm run dev to run the server in dev mode with nodemon listening to updates.
  • npm run test to run the unittests with Node-Tap.


  • GET /api/docs to access the complete Swagger documentation.
  • GET /api/v1/sessions to get list of sessions, newest first.
  • GET /api/v1/sessions/:sessionId to get a specific session.
  • DELETE /api/v1/sessions/:sessionId to remove a specific session.
  • GET /api/v1/sessions/:sessionId/tracking to send tracking data to server through query parameters.
  • GET /api/v1/sessions/:sessionId/events to get a list of all tracked events for a session.
  • GET /api/v1/sessions/:sessionId/vast to get the VAST XML that was issued for a specific session.
  • GET /api/v1/users/userId to get all sessions for a specific user, newest first.
  • GET /api/v1/vast to create a session and get a VAST-XML file, may also use query parameters.
  • GET /api/v1/vmap to create a session and get a VMAP-XML file, may also use query parameters.

Environment variables

  • ADSERVER Public hostname and port for service. Needed for tracking, defaults to localhost:8080.
  • HOST To set the interface that the server listens to. Default is localhost.
  • PORT To set the port that the server listens to. Default is 8080.
  • MRSS_ORIGIN To set the mRSS origin endpoint for when fetching custom ad-lists. It will use default ads otherwise.
  • CACHE_MAX_AGE To set maximum age for ad-list cache, in milliseconds. Default is 300000 (5 minutes).


To build the adserver-api image run:

docker build . -t adserver-api:local --no-cache

A docker-compose config file is also provided that takes care of building the image.

Start the service:

docker-compose up

Stop the service:

docker-compose down

Using Specific Ads

If the enviroment variable MRSS_ORIGIN has been set, then the test-adserver shall return VAST responses populated with Ads selected from the collection of Ads found in the mRSS feed that can be reached through this origin endpoint. The url for the feed should follow this structure ${MRSS_ORIGIN}${ADSERVER_HOST}.mrss. Where ADSERVER_HOST is the same as the host data that can be found in the request headers sent to the test-adserver.

For example: Let's say we set MRSS_ORIGIN= and are hosting the test-adserver on

Knowing the adserver host and MRSS_ORIGIN, the test-adserver will then fetch the feed.mrss file from: So make sure that an mRSS feed is available on such an URL. If the url becomes unreachable, then the test-adserver will go back to the default ads.

Alternatively, you can specify what file contains the collection of ads through the coll parameter on the /api/v1/vast or /api/v1/vmap request. In this case, the file will be expected to be at ${MRSS_ORIGIN}${coll}.mrss. This is useful for example if you want to switch easily between different collection of ads without having to host multiple ad servers.

MRSS Feed Structure

The test-adserver is expecting an mRSS feed which should include text/xml with the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
  <title>My Chosen Ads List</title>                         //Title of feed
  <id>aaa-123-bbb-123</id>                                  //Unique ID for feed
  <updated>2021-09-09T18:00:00Z</updated>                   //Date in ISO format for when feed was last updated
    <id>hotdog_ad_2021</id>                                 //ID for the ad
    <universalId>AAAA</universalId>                         //The ad's Universal ADID 
    <link>https://server.hotdog_ad_1.mp4</link>             //URL to the ad resource
    <duration>00:00:16</duration>                           //Duration of ad in format-> HH:MM:SS
    <bitrate>17700</bitrate>                                //The ad's video bitrate
    <width>1920</width>                                     //The ad's video width
    <height>1080</height>                                   //The ad's video height
    <codec>H.264</codec>                                    //The ad's video codec

Simply populate your xml file with <entry></entry> tags for each Ad asset with the necessary data (id, universalId, link, duration, etc...).

If you have ads in multiple formats (eg. DASH, HLS, MP4), you can add multiple <link></link> for each one.

Commercial Options

The Eyevinn Test Adserver is released under open source but we do offer some commercial options in relation to it. Contact [email protected] if you are interested for pricing and more information.


We host the service in our environment for a monthly recurring fee. Included is business hours support on a best effort basis.


We help you deploy and integrate the service in your environment on a time-of-material basis.

Feature Development

When you need a new feature developed and does not have the capacity or competence of your own to do it, we can on a time-of-material introduce this feature in the current code base and under the current open source license.

Professional Services and Development

When you need help with building for example integration adaptors or other development in your code base related to this open source project we can offer a development team from us to help out on a time-of-material basis.

About Eyevinn Technology

Eyevinn Technology is an independent consultant firm specialized in video and streaming. Independent in a way that we are not commercially tied to any platform or technology vendor.

At Eyevinn, every software developer consultant has a dedicated budget reserved for open source development and contribution to the open source community. This give us room for innovation, team building and personal competence development. And also gives us as a company a way to contribute back to the open source community.

Want to know more about Eyevinn and how it is to work here. Contact us at [email protected]!