Boilerplate for create Yii 2 application
Replace in every file of the project:
- For human-readable labels: Boilerplate Yii 2 k4nuj8
- For urls/db/other ids: boilerplate-yii2-k4nuj8 (including this file)
- Rename the project in IDE
- Replace cookieValidationKey "q2%s2
5twSe2OkBJ8H6k6wUI@feAh9|" to another random string
- Replace /boilerplate-yii2-project-path with your local project path
- Add boilerplate-yii2-k4nuj8.local into your hosts file
- Copy apache.conf (or dev/nginx.conf) into sites-enabled/
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:^1.2.0"
composer install
npm install
- Create database "boilerplate-yii2-k4nuj8"
- Copy config.sample.php to config.php and configure it
- Run applicaion migrations
php yii migrate
- Open http://boilerplate-yii2-k4nuj8.local/ the app must be already working
- Delete this file ( or replace 100% of its contents with your project's Readme