makes it easy to interact with the DappBot API straight from your terminal, making smart contract development faster & easier than ever before. It is built on top of yargs
, which provides excellent usage information when the user's command does not match or includes the --help
option. You can explore this help information directly, but here is a sample of its output for (1) the CLI as a whole, and (2) the dappbot api
$ npm install --global @eximchain/dappbot-cli
Note that the below output is from development, which is why the commands are prefixed with cli.js
. On your own machine, you would simply call dappbot api
or dappbot truffle
$ dappbot
Usage: dappbot <command>
cli.js api <resource/method> [args] Access all of DappBot API methods,
organized by their endpoints.
cli.js billing Visit DappBot's billing page to update
your payment info or dapp capacity.
cli.js goto <DappName> Visit one of the dapps hosted on DappHub.
cli.js login Begin a persistent session with DappBot.
cli.js signup Create a new account with DappBot.
cli.js truffle Run in a Truffle project directory to
make a dapp for one of your deployed
URL Options:
--apiUrl The URL for DappBot's API. [default: "https://api.dapp.bot"]
--mngrUrl The URL for DappBot's management app [default: "https://dapp.bot"]
--hubUrl The URL for DappHub. [default: "https://hub.dapp.bot"]
--authPath, -a The path to a JSON file with saved DappBot auth data. [string]
--config Path to a JSON config file; all of the file's keys will be
treated like options.
$ dappbot api
cli.js api <resource/method> [args]
Access all of DappBot API methods, organized by their endpoints.
cli.js api auth/beginPassReset Request to have your password reset.
cli.js api auth/confirmPassReset Confirm a password reset.
<username> <newPassword>
cli.js api auth/login <username> Login to DappBot.
cli.js api auth/refresh <refreshToken> Use your RefreshToken to get fresh
cli.js api private/createDapp <DappName> Create a new Dapp.
cli.js api private/deleteDapp <DappName> Delete one of your Dapps.
cli.js api private/listDapps List your Dapps.
cli.js api private/readDapp <DappName> Read the details for one of your
cli.js api private/updateDapp <DappName> Update one of your Dapps.
cli.js api public/viewDapp <DappName> View the public details of any
deployed Dapp.