functions wrapper for a quick Python Built-in 'Timeit' module reports without interrupting or breaking course of a code run.
- save file in a same directory as your code file
- or
- in Python 'lib' installation Path for quick access anytime
import to your code:
- from QuickTimeIt import quick_timeit
place quick_timeit() as a @decorator above function in your code
as of this release, only main code funcs can be tested i.e. QuickTimeIt @decorator will fail to execute when attempting to test funcs within classes or funcs nested within other funcs
add args to @decorator (Optional)
- (runs=100000, timing='milli', repeat=3, logfile=True)
in order for TimeIt to compute, your func must be 'called' with relevant args/kwargs, if applicable.
@quick_timeit() can be placed on multiple funcs at once
@quick_timeit() acts as a wrapper and your code/program/script will continue run as intended without it
@quick_timeit() will execute every time @decorated function is called:
- for presentability, avoid adding to frequently called or recurring functions, unless logged to file
- given it's nature, will execute for every next() or otherwise call from 'generator' type functions
- as it is using logger mode in a separate thread (if log file not specified), console STDOUT's may overlap with func console outputs, if any
- to avoid unpredictable behaviour, avoid using with 'side-effect' functions
- i.e functions with global declarations.
from QuickTimeIt import quick_timeit
@quick_timeit(runs=100, repeat=3, timing='milli') # -> QuickTimeIt @decorator with optional args
def beaufort_cipher_mathematical(m, key):
key = (key * (int(len(m) / len(key) + 1)))[0: len(m)]
answer = [u[(u.index(k) - u.index(m)) % len(u)] for m, k in zip(m, key)]
return ''.join(answer)
- runs= how many runs of a func -> integer
- repeat= how many times to repeat runs -> integer
- timing= 'sec', 'milli', 'nano' -> string
- respectively seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds
- logfile= if specified, log will be timestamped and appended to file -> string
- separate log file will be created for each tested function
- runs=1000
- repeat=5
- timing='sec'
- logfile=None