This library provides developers with a simple set of bindings to help you integrate PicPay E-Commerce API to a website and start receiving payments.
php >= 8.1
guzzlehttp/guzzle >= 7.0.1
echosistema/simple-http-request" >= 1.0.1
📢 Coming soon package to PHP versions < 8.1
First time using PicPay? Create your PicPay account in PicPay Studio, if you don’t have one already.
Download Composer if not already installed
On your project directory run on the command line "composer require ewertondaniel/picpay-e-commerce-php-sdk"
for PHP 8.1
That's it! PicPay E-Commerce has been successfully installed!
use EwertonDaniel\PicPay\Customer;
* Brazilian CPF and Phone Number can be only numbers or with default mask;
* The email and phone number fields are optional;
$customer = new Customer();
$customer->setFirstName('Anakin') // REQUIRED;
->setLastName('Skywalker') // REQUIRED;
->setEmail('[email protected]')) // Optional;
->setPhoneNumber('11987654321')) // Optional;
->setDocument('963.237.510-62'); // REQUIRED, Has a CPF validation rule;
use EwertonDaniel\PicPay\PicPay;
$payment = new PicPay('x_picpay_token');
'first_name' => 'Din',
'last_name' => 'Djarin',
'document' => '963.237.510-62'
]) // REQUIRED, Array or Customer class;
->setReferenceId('MY-ID-0001') //string, call REQUIRED, If you want an auto reference id, please call empty ex.: setReferenceId();
->setCallbackUrl('') // REQUIRED, Where PicPay will return with POST notification;
->setValue(100.00) //float, REQUIRED;
use EwertonDaniel\PicPay\PicPay;
$payment = new PicPay('x_picpay_token');
'first_name' => 'Din',
'last_name' => 'Djarin',
'document' => '963.237.510-62', // It can just be numbers ex.: '96323751062'
'email'=>'[email protected]', // Optional
'phone_number'=>'11987654321' // Optional, It can just be masked ex.: '(11) 98765-4321, (11) 8765-4321 etc...'
]) // REQUIRED, Array or Customer class;
->setDebug(false) // Optional, (default:false) If you want to debug the request (default false);
->setReferenceId('MY-ID-0002') //string, call REQUIRED, If no value is entered, Reference ID will be created automatically, ex.: setReferenceId();
->setCallbackUrl('') // REQUIRED, Where PicPay will return with POST notification;
->setReturnUrl('') // Optional, (default:null) where customer will be redirected from PicPay Payment Page;
->setExpirationDate('2020-09-20') // Optional, (default:null) Format Y-m-d (yyyy-mm-dd);
->setSoftDescriptor('Skywalker light-saber') // Optional, (default:null) The soft descriptor is the dynamic text used to construct the statement descriptor that appears on a payer's card statement;
->setPurchaseMode('online') // Optional, (default: online, available options [online, in-store]);
->setChannel('channel') // Optional, (default:null) If you have another store, take a look in official documentation;
->setAutoCapture(true) // Optional, (default:true) Key that will define that this charge will be of the late capture type;
->setValue(100.00) //float, REQUIRED
use EwertonDaniel\PicPay\Order;
$order = new Order('x_picpay_token','reference_id');
$response = $order->status();
$status = $response['status'];
- ✔ created: order created;
- ✔ expired: payment limit date has expired or order cancelled;
- ✔ analysis: paid and in the process of anti-fraud analysis;
- ✔ completed: paid and amount available in your PicPay account;
- ✔ refunded: paid and refunded;
- ✔ chargeback: paid with chargeback;
use EwertonDaniel\PicPay\Order;
$order = new Order('x_picpay_token','reference_id');
$response = $order->cancel();
$status = $response['status'];
- ✔ cancelled: order cancelled;
- ✔ undefined: unknown status;