A reverse file server. Server can traverse clients filesystem and read, download and upload files to clients.
In client.py change the HOST variable to your servers IP.
Clients will try to connect to the host every 3 seconds.
# Read 5 lines from test.txt from client number 0.
0 read test.txt 5
# List current working directory from client numbers 0 and 2.
# NOTE: when issuing commands to multiple client there must be a comma and no space between numbers.
0,2 dir
# Upload test.exe to all clients.
all upload test.exe
help : Prints the help menu.
list : Lists all connected clients.
quit : End the server program.
cd : Change directory
dir : List directory
read : read file, accepts number of lines to read as arguement
download : downloads specified file to server
upload : uploads specified file to client