Zombie-Survival is a game created in Unity/C#. It is a wave-based top-down shooter and has features such as pickups, enemies with different behavioral patterns, different weapons, an options menu, and more.
If you are not familiar with Unity's file structure, naviagte to: Assets/Scripts to see the code.
- Unity
- C#
- Object-oriented programming
- A settings menu with volume, resolution and fullscreen controls
- Different weapon types
- 3D animations
- Enemy AI with different states (idle, chasing, attacking)
- A pickup system
- Particle systems
- Singleton
- Component
- State-machine
Settings menu:
Different weapon types:
Enemies change state:
Click the "Download .exe" link at the top which will take you to the itch.io page for the game. Download and unzip the files. Click the "GEP Assignment Project.exe" to begin playing.