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TL;DR: in root run docker-compose up => 😃, thats all you need.

Thanks for checking out this repository. I intend to make it easy for you to explore it and also see the thought process. While also get you excited in the right bits, and well, forwarding my hiring process.

Focusing on productivity in a dockerized environment 🐳

What a pleasure! you just run docker compose up and you can code away!

  • The only developer that has used this repo

You are as fast as your local development environment => we offer a multi-stage, multi build Dockerfile, and a docker-compose up that uses Nginxas a reverse proxy to avoid any CORS issues, as well as avoid rebuilding images with each code change (using volume mount in the docker-compose.yml) whist still have HOT-RELOADING for both front and back 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯.

Don't like docker? no worries, we have .nvmrc so you can do local development as well .....

Get as well prettier, eslinter and commitlinter and don't forget CHECKOUT the postman collections, there you will find how to test the API, use them for an end to end testing

We are now ALFA 😅

There are still many things to improve, check out Projects, or OPEN_ISSUES, to get a full picture of the project

Working Prototype

Thought process (why?)

Although, the technical challenge is straight on the results expected. I am assuming this as an OPEN PROJECT REVIEW as it is called in twilio and deliver an "actual" product, this will make me assume stuff, but I hope these assumptions will trigger the conversation.

Why not not Typescript. . . . HERE in this repo?

TL;DR: I dropped typescript support altogether => but I have very good reasons why I originally intended to have both parts as typescript code bases but as the front-end code is done with react-scripts setting that up to work just in JS and typescript backend part, had me fighting commonjs and ESM, and doing a balancing act with my tsconfig.json, package.json, npm scripts. More down below or check master branch commit DEAD-END

My crazy run trying to upgrade the repo to typescript had me:

  • Putting this beauty (🤢) into my package.json file:
  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm run dev",
    "dev": "concurrently \"npm run server:dev\" \"npm run client:dev\"",
    "typescript-transpiled-dev": "concurrently \"npm run typescript:server:dev\" \"npm run client:dev\"",
    "client:dev": "react-scripts start",
    "typescript:server:dev": "nodemon ./dist/server/index.js",
    "server:dev": "nodemon --exec npm run \"server:babel\" server/index.js",
    "server:babel": "babel-node --presets='@babel/preset-env'",
    "typescript-build-dist": "./node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc",
    "test": "jest"
  • Using tsc just for development and triggering nodemon with a typescript compile
  • Running: mkdir dist && sudo chmod 777 dist in the (./) directory, to allow nodeto run from npm, this to solve unauthorized issues.