Please visit our seatool-compare docs site for complete documentation.
The seatool-compare project (oftened referenced in the context of this repository as just 'compare') is a microservice compares legacy data and seatool data and sends notifications when certain conditions exist.
Work items for seatool-compare are tracked in CMS' Jira. If you have access to our Jira, you can view seatool-compare related work there. While there's no dedicated seatool-compare product view in Jira yet, the Platform Team board is a good stand in.
If you don't have access to Jira, would like access to Jira, or would like to discuss any enhancement, bug, idea, or question, please visit the seatool-compare Slack channel. This is a public channel open to anyone in CMS Slack, and all input is welcome!
See LICENSE for full details.