This testsuite is based on Selenium http://seleniumhq.org/, and requires a Selenium RC server. Selenium RC requires Java but is otherwise easy to install and run on your local machine, see http://seleniumhq.org/projects/remote-control/. By default the test scripts expect Selenium RC to be running on localhost port 4444, but this can be configured.
This test suite requires Perl with the following modules:
- Class::Inspector
- Getopt::Long
- LWP::UserAgent
- Test::Exception
- Test::More
- Test::WWW::Selenium
- Time::HiRes
The test modules are located in /modules/EnsEMBL/Selenium/Test/
The script to run tests is /utils/run_tests.pl
To run all tests for a site using the default settings you must specify the name of the test module and the url of the site to test, e.g. $ run_tests.pl --module Fungi --url http://fungi.ensembl.org
The following options are also supported:
specify which species should be tested, e.g.
$ run_selenium_tests.pl --module Fungi --url http://fungi.ensembl.org --species_name "Aspergillus nidulans"
specify the default timeout in milliseconds
specify one or more tests to run (only these test will be run), e.g.
$ run_selenium_tests.pl --module Fungi --url http://fungi.ensembl.org --test attach_das --test upload_data
specify one or more tests to skip (all other tests will be run), e.g.
$ run_selenium_tests.pl --module Fungi --url http://fungi.ensembl.org --skip attach_das --skip upload_data
show full Test::More output
specify IP address of Selenium RC server
specify port number of Selenium RC server
- Update utils/eg_all.conf with any new species from this release.
- Comment out sites/species you don't want to test.
- Run commands: $ cd utils $ perl run_tests_batch.pl --conf eg_all.conf --host --output_dir /path/to/dir/