The Fluidigm Biomark HD microfluidic qPCR system was adapted to carrying out enzyme kinetic studies using a amplex-red based assay. This repository contains data, code and figures used in the ACS Omega article found here: (pre-print available at The code is free to use and modify under GPLv3, but we do appreciate of you cite our article if you find it useful.
├── <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── code
│ ├── flex_six_first_test <- Code to analyze the FlexSix data.
│ ├── flex_six_km_test <- Code to analyze the FlexSix data.
│ ├── plate_km_test <- Code to analyze the plate data.
│ ├── pub_figs <- Code to generate color grid in Figure 1.
│ └── resorufin_std_curves <- Code to analyze standard curves in FlexSix chip and microplate.
├── data
│ ├── final <- Final output files of processed data.
│ │ ├── flex_six_first_test <- The initial test, exploring detergents and BSA concentrations.
│ │ ├── flex_six_km_test <- Michaelis-Menten kinetics carried out on the FlexSix chip.
│ │ ├── plate_km_test <- Michaelis-Menten kinetics carried out in microplate.
│ │ └── resorufin_std_curves <- Standard curves obtained using resorufin.
│ │
│ ├── intermediate <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
│ │ ├── flex_six_first_test <- The initial test, exploring detergents and BSA concentrations.
│ │ ├── flex_six_km_test <- Michaelis-Menten kinetics carried out on the FlexSix chip.
│ │ ├── plate_km_test <- Michaelis-Menten kinetics carried out in microplate.
│ │ └── resorufin_std_curves <- Standard curves obtained using resorufin.
│ │
│ └── raw_internal <- The raw unmodified data.
│ ├── flex_six_first_test <- The initial test, exploring detergents and BSA concentrations.
│ ├── flex_six_km_test <- Michaelis-Menten kinetics carried out on the FlexSix chip.
│ └── resorufin_std_curves <- Standard curves obtained using resorufin.
├── doc <- Folder containing the pre-print article.
└── reports
└── figures <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting