Creating a Fullstack Voting dApp application that has three layers:
- 🪙 ERC20 Voting Token: Represents the voting power and its movements.
- 🗳️ Ballot: Represents a Ballot where you can use your voting power up to certain block.
Provides multiple endpoints:
- Request contract address
- Request total supply
- Request allowance
- Request transaction by hash
- Request voting tokens
- List recent votes
Go to Backend README for more information
Currently, the frontend is a simple web page that allows you to:
- See the current block number
- Create a random wallet
- Mint Tokens for a hardcoded wallet based on the amount in the field
- Also self delegates the tokens after the minting
- Vote for a hardcoded proposal
- And get the winning proposal name
This will be updated in the future to make use of different browser wallets and not have hardcoded values.
Go to Frontend README for more information