Gesture Recognizer
Description: An Android application that allows users to create, save, and recognize custom swipe gestures.
Core Functionality:
- Draw, name, and save custom gestures
- View a library of all saved gestures
- Recognize a drawn gesture by displaying the top 3 saved gestures that are the most similar (all gestures are scaled and rotated before being compared to ensure maximum accuracy)
Build Instructions: Just download and install the GestureRecognizer.apk file onto any Android device
Sample Screenshots:
Add Gestures
Gesture Library
Recognize Gestures
Developers: Emon Sen Majumder
Developed using: Android 12.0 (S) API 31, kotlinc-jvm 1.5.21 (OpenJDK 11.0.12+7)
Tested on: Windows 10 Home 19043.1348, Google Pixel 4
- If a new gesture is added with the same name as an existing gesture, the new gesture automatically overwrites the existing gesture.i.e. not a file) is currently selected from the list of files and directories on the left-hand side.