As the name suggests, this is a repository for metaheuristic clustering algorithms, implemented in Python 3, that I could not find implemented elsewhere.
Implementations are designed to work with or without the sklearn implementation style.
Currently the algorithms implemented are:
- Artifical Bee Colony (ABC)
- D. Karaboga and C. Ozturk (2011). "A novel clustering approach: Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm", Applied soft computing, 11(1), 652–657, 2011.
- Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm (SFLA)
- B. Amiri, M. Fathian, and A. Maroosi (2009). "Application of shuffled frog-leaping algorithm on clustering", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 45(1-2), 199-209.
metaheristic_clustering can be installed with:
pip install metaheuristic-clustering
Or you can fork this repository
scikit-learn - only needed for interop with scikit-learn
Please create a pull request or an issue if you would like to contribute or have any bug reports, issues, or suggestions.
There is example code using the metaheuristic-clusteing library available:
Or for a breif overview see below:
data = X # your data
# SFLA Clustering
from metaheuristic_clustering.sfla import SFLAClustering
sfla_model = SFLAClustering()
sfla_labels = sfla_model.fit_predict(data)
# ABC Clustering
from import ABCClustering
abc_model = ABCClustering()
abc_labels = abc_model.fit_predict(data)
import metaheuristic_clustering.util as util
data = X # your data
# SFLA Clustering
import metaheuristic_clustering.sfla as sfla
best_frog = sfla.sfla(data)
sfla_labels = util.get_labels(data, best_frog)
# ABC Clustering
import as abc
best_bee =
abc_labels = util.get_labels(data, best_bee)