Web-Invite or short Winvite will be an over-engineered full stack management tool to create public available invites as website which include the following features:
Clientside (winvite part):
- modern ui made with Bootstrap delivered as fast single site application powered by Vue and bundled by Vite.
- enough possibilities (video, pictures, just text) to display all features of the advertised event
- a form with which users can register directly into the winwite. It will also be possible to sign up as a helper (helper system included)
- a publicly visible guest list
- language support for german and english
- darkmode
Serverside (management part):
- solid mvc server backend with nestJS paired with nodeJS and express
- GraphQL Api
- straight forward winvite creation with instant view opportunity powered by Vite
- view and edit all registered guests with all details of your winvite
- account autorisation to privacy the sensible data of your winvites
There is already a first demo for a managed winvite (not all features are implemented yet).
The source code will be open for everybody. However, there will be a monetised option, that will host the project for you and will give you your own ssl encrypted subdomain of winvite.cloud for all of your winvites.
Winvite can also be interpreted as invite who wins the invited which uses vite to win also the inviter.