Data from off-grid Lithium-Ion Batteries in combination with solar panels operating in sub-Saharan Africa was analyzed as part of the 2022 BatteryDEV Hackathon.
This repository provides the notebooks that were used to generate the results that are detailed in the final report.
To get started clone this repository and install the required packages.
$ git clone
$ set up the anaconda environment provided in the environment folder
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- The data can be retrieved from the challenge repo.
- It is essential to have the data already downloaded to run the code. The code doesn't include downloading functionality. The 4 csv files (devices1.csv, devices2.csv, devices3.csv, devices4.csv) must be placed in the data directory
- The notebooks folder contains all the Jupyter Notebooks used during the event to process the data.
- To launch the dashboard run the notebook Dashboard_full_t22.ipynb. You will then be able to launch the dashboard localy from the generated link (it will appear at the end of the notebook)
All the code used for the competition is located in the notebooks folder. All notebooks should be self-sufficient, and each one will read its own data.
- The cleaned_data folder contains transfomred data used for some visualizations.
- The plot_functions folder contains all the graphical fucntions called by the dashboard during execution.
- The Clustering-by-power-time-of-day-maps.ipynb notebook was used to do some exploration, notably with PCA algorithms, which are detailed in the report.
- The Dashboard_full_t22.ipynb notebook contains the code for the interactive web page dashboard.
- The Multivariate Time Series Clustering.ipynb notebook contains code used to calculate the clusters using the temporal series.
- The SoC-binned-PCA-and-clustering.ipynb notebook hosts the code that was used to do anallysis on aggregation of the raw data, also detailed in the report.
- Étienne Beauchamp, CEP, M.A.Sc. - Initial work - FinestStone
- Victor Bossard - Initial work - victorbsrd
- Elias Galiounas CEng, MIMechE - Initial work - EliasGaliounas
- Nicole Schauser - Initial work
- Maria Varini - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.